The Olive Garden has Very Tasty Food...

pocket-change -

I've been Craving some Italian Food, and today is the day...

I have a Couple Gift Cards, so I may not be getting back any Pocket Change...

Even before the so called "National Coin Shortage," I've noticed over the years that they don't normally like bringing back Change...

If they ask if I want the Change, I always say "YES"...

Many times, I feel like I'm getting everything for Free, because of the Change...

I hope all my regular readers know why...

The Majority of People, just don't realize the importance of Pocket Change...

Remember, that I look at a Quarter Dollar Coin as if it's going to have the Spending Power of 25 Fiat USD's "after" the U.S. Monetary Correction...

During the Redemption Period, I figure People will be turning in their Fiat USD's for Cents...


I may return to finish this post...

It's always nice to have a Post ready to go when I get back...

I'm back...

The Food came to 38.23 Fiat Dollars and Cents...

I handed the Server One Gift Card and Cash, totaling 40 Fiat Dollars and said... "I'm a Coin Collector, which means, I do want my Change"...

I figured it would be best if I told the Server in advance...

The Server, ended up with a very nice Tip...

I got back my Receipt, with 1 Fiat Dollar and 77 Cents in U.S. Coinage...

To me, that was like paying 40 Cents and getting back 78 Cents in Change, if you count the Fiat USD as One Cent...

This is an example of what my day to day Life is like...

The same thing happens when I stop for Gasoline, and hand the Cashier 30 Fiat USD's and say 29.50 on Pump 7...

To me, It's like handing over 30 Cents and receiving my Gasoline, along with 50 Cents in Change...

I was able to Eat for Free, and get back almost Double what I paid...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

January 25, 2022... 18.0 Hollywood Time...