Silver to go about 40 Times Higher and Gold about 5 Times Higher...

pocket-change -

That's my story at the moment...

If measured in today's Fiat USD's, that would bring the Melt Value of Silver to about 900 per ounce and the Melt Value of Gold to about 9,000 per ounce...

Our One Ounce Silver Coins need to have a $10 Face Value and our One Ounce Gold Coins need to have a $100 Face Value...

If measured using our Corrected Silver and Gold Coins, the Melt Value of One Ounce of Silver, will go as high as $9 per ounce and the Melt Value of One Ounce of Gold, will go as high as $90 per ounce...

There will be a Big Difference between Fiat USD's and our Corrected Silver and Gold Coins...

To Convert our Silver and Gold Coins to Fiat USD's, just Multiply the Coins Face Values by 100 and that's how many Fiat USD's they will remove and replace...

Anyone turning in 10,000 Physical Fiat USD's to the U.S. Treasury, will receive $100 in Corrected Silver and Gold Coinage, or the Currencies they back...

If you have smaller amounts than 10,000 Physical Fiat USD's, I'm sure there will be plenty of Exchange Stations set up, all over the World...

More than likely, the Exchange Stations will charge a Fee...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...