My Bank Deposits are Safe up to $2,500 in Electronic Coinage...

pocket-change -

I'm not worried about the Digital Fiat USD's, I keep in my Bank Accounts, because I know about the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

If I have 250,000 Digital Fiat USD's in my Bank Account, it will be converted to $2,500 in Electronic Coinage, with "no loss" in Spending Power...

Electronic Coinage will have 100 Times "more" Spending Power than Digital Fiat USD's...

If a person is earning 25 Digital Fiat USD's per hour, that will be Reset to 25 Electronic Cents per hour...

As a General Rule, everything will cost 100 Times Less, if I'm using Common U.S. Coinage, on the other side of the Reset...

Our Money will remain Stable, but the cost of items will continue to Fluctuate in Price, due to "Supply and Demand"...

How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

I sure wish you would ask a question...

It would stop me from repeating what you might already know...

So far, no one has asked me about Rental Money and Rental Fees for the use of Rental Money...

We're even paying Rental Fees on our Rental Fees...

No, I doubt that you will find what I write in any Book...

But who knows, I suppose anything's possible...


Do any of you believe me about turning $5 in Common U.S. Coinage into a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...???

A $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

If I can do that with $5 in Common U.S. Coinage, think about what I can do with $5,000 in Common U.S. Coinage...

Who believes there will be a Phase 1, 2 and 3 of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

Do you ever wonder why 3 Phases are needed...???

Doesn't it seem odd, that I'm able to ask so many questions, and yet it's very rare that I ever get a questions from any of my readers...

Most of the time, I'm lucky to get a few replies at all...

Do you believe our Common U.S. Coinage will experience a 100 Fold increase in Spending Power, in order to make change for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...???

At Present, our Common U.S. Coinage is making change for Fiat USD's that have already lost more than 99% of their Spending Power...

Why is this so hard to believe...???

Do any of you believe that Common U.S. Coinage will "out-perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies in Phase One of the Reset...???

I'm sure that's pretty hard to believe, but I have good reasons to believe it will come to pass...

Phase 2 and 3 will be a different story, but I won't go into detail about why...

Who believes that our Monetary System will be Stable...???

I can't remember anyone asking me about Paper Coinage...

I also get very little mention about Electronic Coinage...

This is the Greatest Generation 3 Coin Proof Set for 2024...

The Price is still yet to be determined...

You can find them on the U.S. Mint Product Catalog for 2024...

Time for me to grab a bite to eat...

You may be interested in what Andy has to say...
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