Look what I got for less than 240 Fiat Dollars...

pocket-change -

Because I thought these Coins were such a good deal, I decided to get 2 of the 100 Coin Bags...

One Bag has Philadelphia Mint Marks, and the other Bag has Denver Mint Marks...

I was able to obtain 200 of these $1 U.S. Coins for just under 240 Fiat Dollars, which included Postage...

For an extra 40 Fiat Dollars, I will receive 200 "Corrected" $1 U.S. Coins...

During the Redemption Period, 240 Fiat Dollars will only get me $2.40 in Corrected U.S. Coinage...

So, I decided to get $200 now, instead of $2.40 after the Reset...

If my Monetary Vision is Correct (and I'm convinced it is) the 200 Coins will have the Spending Power of 20,000 of Today's Fiat Dollars...

That will be enough Spending Power to buy me 2 of the "One Ounce" Corrected $100 U.S. Gold Coins...

They will also allow me to obtain 20 of the "One Ounce" Corrected $10 U.S. Silver Coins...

After the Fiat Dollars go to Zero, these $1 U.S. Coins will have Legal Tender Status, far into the Future...

Tell me, if you think I made out like a Bandit...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

June 30, 2022... 5.0 Hollywood Time...