I'm Self Taught...

pocket-change -

When it comes to "My Version" of a Corrected U.S. Monetary System, I'd have to say that I have been self taught, due to all the Fine Tuning I have been doing...

It all started when I was very young...

I used to Stuff Coins in my Teddy Bear...

Then, I was given a Big Piggy Bank that I would put Coins in...

I still remember when it Rolled off the Bed and Broke...

What I don't remember is what happened to all the Coins that were inside when it broke...

I'd love to be able to look through those Coins today, but they Vanished when I was about 5 years old...

I learned from a very young age about Gold and Silver by watching the Hardy Boys and "The Applegate Treasure"...

I always wanted to find a Treasure Chest, filled with Gold Doubloons and Pieces of Eight...

At an older age, I was always the Banker when Playing a Table Game called "Monopoly"...

That taught me about using Play Money...

My first Rare Coin was given to me by my Father...

I suppose I was about 6 years old when I was given my First Silver Dollar...

It was Shinny and New looking for having such an Old Date...

It was being held for me by my Grand Mother, who was much younger than I am now...

I ended up putting it "Sandwiched" in an Old Style Plastic Case with a Plastic Screw at each Corner...

It's still in that Case and the Silver Dollar is now worth Plenty...

It's worth more than I ever dreamed possible...

I have good reason to believe, I could sell it and pay Cash for a Very Nice New Car...

I'm on Record with the United States Mint, as being a Coin Collector...

Even the Internal Revenue Services has a Record of me being a Coin Collector...


I'm Self Taught when it comes to "My Version" of the Coming United States Monetary Correction...

Someone at Work, once told me that the Money I had in my Wallet didn't belong to me...

I found that hard to believe, because they were in my Wallet...

He did explain why they didn't belong to me...

That little seed was planted in my Brain, which took Root and Grew and Grew and Grew until I started writing about it here on Steemit...

That was more than 5 years ago, and all this time, I've been Fine Tuning "my Version" of what I see "must happen" to Correct the Big Mistakes made with our Original Silver and Gold Coins...

The Solution to "The Big Mistake" was so simple, that no one seemed to see it, hiding in plain sight...

I think there were those who did see it, but were somehow silenced by whatever means...

Fingers need to be Pointed towards the "Central Bank Owners"...

I'm sure they saw to it, that the "Big Mistake" would take place...

I'm starting to think this would make for a "Must See Movie" on the "Big Screen"...

The Big Mistake, being seen on Big Screens, all over the World...

Perhaps I've been wasting my time here on Steemit...

I could be writing a Movie Script...

I suppose it would begin with the Cameras "Fading In" on "Someone" stressing the Numbers 1 through 10 to whoever's job it was to come up with a Monetary System similar to what "We the People" were used to using...

We'd have Gold and Silver Coins with a hard to understand measurement of Gold and Silver...

Then we would need Half Dollars, Quarter Dollars, and Silver Dimes to make change...

This gave our Silver and Gold Coins a Range from 10 Cents to 10 Dollars...

Ten Dimes would get me a Silver Dollar and Ten Silver Dollars would get me a $10 Gold Eagle...

Eventually, we added a $20 Double Eagle Gold Coin, along with One Cent and Five Cent Coins...

Is it any wonder we had to Remove all our Gold and then Silver Coins from Circulation...???

The Big Mistake, was that the Face Values of our Silver and Gold Coins were "Set Too Low" from the very start...

I don't think this Big Mistake was by Accident...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...