I like to Spend Cash...

pocket-change -

What I like most about spending cash, is that I always get back some Common U.S. Coinage with my Change...

I'll be able to buy a One Ounce $10 Silver Coin for an equal Face Value amount of Common U.S. Coinage...

What's so Fantastic is that a One Ounce $10 Silver Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 1,000 of today's Fiat "Rental" Dollars...

One the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correction and Reset, I would have to turn in 1,000 of today's Fiat "Rental" Dollars for a $10 Silver Coin or $10 in Common U.S. Coinage...

I sure hope I'm making this clear for you to understand...

Even the people who do understand, are having a hard time believing what I write...

As far as I'm concerned,the Fiat "Rental" Dollars have already lost more than 99% of their Spending Power, which leaves less that 1%...

That's where the 100 to 1 Exchange Rage comes into play...

I tend to believe the U.S. Treasury will be offering a Full 1% which turns out to be One Cent in U.S. Coinage for each Fiat "Rental" Dollar turned in...

The One Cent U.S. Coin, will actually have slightly more Spending Power than the Physical Fiat "Rental" Dollar turned in...

This is why I keep writing that our U.S. Coinage will experience a 100 Fold increase in their Spending Power,,,

I can tell that there's only a handful of you who actually went to your Bank and asked for a couple $10 Rolls of Quarters...

If I'm right about the Reset, those two $10 Rolls of Quarter will have the Spending Power of 2,000 of today's Fiat "Rental" Dollars...

I also like the $25 Rolls of $1 Coins, since each Roll will have the Spending Power of 2,500 of today's Fiat "Rental" Dollars...

I've been calling the Paper Dollars, Fiat "Rental" Dollars, because the so called FED has been charging us "Rental Fees" for the use of their Fiat "Rental" Dollars...

They say they've been Raising and Lowering "Interest Rates" when in actuality, they've been Raising and Lower their "Rental Fees"...


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Cash will get me some Common U.S. Coinage with my Change...

The Change I get back by using Cash, will make up for any fees I'm charged...

I'm always open to Silver, Gold and Monetary Questions...