Fiat Numbers verses Stable Numbers...

pocket-change -

Our Corrected Monetary System needs Stable Numbers...

The Price of items will Continue to Fluctuate in Value, due to Supply and Demand, but our Monetary Numbers "will" remain Stable...

We may as well start getting used to using TWO SETS of Numbers, from now until the End of the Redemption Period...

We the People, will slowly "remove and replace" the Fiat Numbers currently used to Measure Value...

When I go to the Store, I see Prices a little different than most people...

I'm always thinking in terms of "Stable Money" Prices...

I'm always comparing the listed price of items, to what I expect to see, using our Corrected Monetary System...

I just Divide the Price of everything by 100, and that will become the Stable Money Price...

Naturally, items will continue to Fluctuate in Value, for obvious reasons...

So, when something says it Costs 5 Fiat Dollars, I figure it real price is 5 Cents in Stable Money...

For now, I can figure out, how much Change I'll get back, to see if I'll be getting everything for free...

In my Mind, I've been getting all my Gasoline Free, for Months...

I can hand the Cashier 40 Fiat USD's and say 39.50 on Pump 7, and get back 50 Cents in change...

To me, it's like handing the Cashier 40 Cents and getting back 50 Cents in Change, plus all my Gasoline for Free...

Every time I get Coins back with my Change, I feel like I'm receiving a Discount on the Price of things...

I think of every Cent as a Fiat Dollar...

This won't be the Case, during the "Redemption Period"...

I figure it will take 100 Fiat Dollars to get 1 Stable Dollar...

I think of it as a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, for those having Paper Dollars...

There's no telling what the Banks Exchange Rate will be...

It could turn out to be 200 to 1 or even 500 to 1...

They could do Bail-Ins for all I know...

So, I figure Paper Dollars will do much better than Digital Dollars...


Tonight is the "Total Eclipse of the Moon"...

From Light to Dark, than back to Light...

So, at the End of the Eclipse, we'll be going from Dark to Light...

There could be a Special Meaning going on with those words...

Could this be what's Coming, that can't be Stopped...???

No one can Stop the Total Eclipse of a Full Moon...

I keep hearing Dark to Light all the time...

My Wild imagination is "now" fast at work...

Today should be interesting to see play out...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

May 15, 2022... 17.8 Hollywood Time...