Can we Pave our Highways with Silver and Gold...???

pocket-change -

Yes, I even figured out how to Pave our Highways with Silver and Gold...

Let's not forget that this World "is" of His Kingdom...

We're returning to the use of God's Money...

Does anyone think Trumps Golden Sneakers are a Hint that "We the People" are returning to "Sound Money"...???

How else did you think "We the People" are going to Make Americans Great Again...???

This Half Dollar "Clad" Proof Coin will be selling for 49 of today's Fiat USD's...

These "Clad Coins" go on Sale, starting on the 29th of this month...

No, they don't contain a single drop of Silver...

I realize how hard it is for most of you to believe what I write...

You're probably looking for a Complicated Answer, to a very Simple Problem...

The Coming U.S. Monetary Correction turned out to be a very Simple Fix...

There may be a few of you, who are taking advantage of my "Fine Tuned" version of what's to come...

At least, I hope there's a few of you, who believe what I've been writing...

Our Common U.S. Coinage turned out to be a Major Part of the Correction...

Since the Face Values of our Silver and Gold Coins were set TOO LOW, it became necessary for "We the People" to remove all our Silver and Gold Coins from Circulation...

First, we removed our Gold Coins from Circulating, then we removed our Silver Coins from Circulation...

We were Bamboozled by Agents of the Central Bank Owners, who talked us into Setting the Face Values of our Silver and Gold Coins "too low"...

The only Coins that were "not" set too low, were our Pennies and Nickels...

We now have Dimes, Quarters, Half's and Dollar Coins, that we added to the list...

Our "Collector" Coins, along with our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, will back our Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage and Common Coinage...

Our Existing Common Coinage will experience a 100 Fold increase in "Spending Power" in order to "make change" for our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

Because of the 100 Fold increase in the Spending Power of our Common Coinage, it became necessary to add 99 Decimal Cents to our Electronic Coinage...

By the Pay, our Paper Coinage will range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

I like having Folding Money in my Wallet, plus it makes for a better looking "Tip"...

I don't want to be leaving a few pennies or nickels as a

That's the Simple Answer everyone has been looking for, but couldn't find, because they were looking for a Complicated Answer...

I'm convinced, I figured out the only way to return to "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

Not only that, but I'm convinced that I figured out how to pay off the National Debt, including the "interest"...

I also know for a fact, that "We the People" have Staggering Amounts of Silver and Gold, "Standing By" to "Jump Start" our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

I figured out the Weights and Face Value measurements of our Silver and Gold Coins...

I know how high the Melt Values of Silver and Gold will need to be, on the other side of the Reset...

I know what the Exchange Rate will be, when we start Removing and Replacing Payer Fiat USD's, from around the World, with "no loss" in Spending Power...

I figure out that "Physical" Fiat USD's will be the "Safest" Fiat Currency to be holding when all Hell breaks loose...

I know what what will "out perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies...

It's actually pretty amazing, what I've been able to figure out...

Don't forget, that I became my own best student...

I owe it all to my "Wild" imagination...

Anyway, that's about as simple as I can explain what I see heading our way...

What I see heading our way, will be the Biggest Transfer of Wealth ever...

I'm set, but I don't want to be the only one...

I'm already starting to feel a little guilty, knowing what (I think) I know...

Surely, some of you must have a question or two...

Let me know...