Turn a $10 Roll of Quarters in for a One Ounce $10 Silver Coin or a One Tenth Ounce $10 Gold Coin...

pocket-change -

Could you imagine working at a Job making Minimum Wages and bringing home a $10 Roll of Quarters every day...???

If I'm right about the Monetary Correction, that would be $50 in Quarter Dollars each Week...

I figure our Common U.S. Coinage will soon be "making change" for our Corrected Silver and Gold Coins...

Fifty Dollars in "Corrected" U.S. Quarters will have the "Spending Power" of 5,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

I sure wouldn't mind bringing home a Roll of Quarter Dollars, five days a week as a way to Save some Loot...

After writing these Posts for more than Five Years, I wonder how many Minimum Wage Workers are doing this...

If a person was able to do this for one full year, think of the extra Spending Power they would have "after' the Monetary Correction...

And that's by saving only $10 per day, working for Minimum Wage...

I don't think this will be possible much longer, since I do believe, we are running out of Time...

Once the Switch is Flipped, it will be too late...

People need to realize that our Common U.S. Coinage has already been corrected, and is standing by...

As far as I'm concerned, this will be the Biggest Transfer of Wealth the World may ever experience...

In the mean time, I'll continue spending "Physical" Fiat USD's and bringing home any change I may receive...

Let me know if you have a Piggy Bank full of U.S. Coins...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

September 24, 2022... 13.5 Hollywood Time...