Not The Same Country.

olawalium -


This isn't the country I grew up in
This isn't the country I got to know from the start
This isn't the country I knew and fell in love with
They have kicked our loyalty to the curb, yes they shove it
Even the citizens' lives matter less now, not even up to a kobo
Cows seem to have a proper value than human lives
That's what our government made us realize
Now we have people running shelter skelter to take cover
Mother lost her child, a lady lost her lover
A father's bravery has been shamed as tears seemingly flow
A man in love could not even sustain his love's glow
Everyone in different capacity has been dealt a blow
We are all affected in a way, we sunk low
When will this ground be green for us to plough again?
We have fogs all around, with our boat, how do we row?
Our crops (labour) have been infected, so how do we sow?
Democracy and love is now no longer sustainable in a country that preaches it
This isn't the country I have come to love
Do I hold that touch of hope or seek greener pasture elsewhere?
The labour of our heroes must never be in vain
I pray for those who lost people in this fight... I hope they cope

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.