Nutbox Curation System is start to operate

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The original intention of Nutbox was to promote the development of the Steem ecosystem. From the beginning, Nutbox has not only sought to maximize the interest of SP delegatees, but also shouldered the mission of curating high-quality content for the community. The Nutbox curatorial system was born to carry out this mission.


The Nutbox curation system is mainly implemented through the @nutbox.mine account. The upvote from @nutbox.mine will be divided into two parts:


The first part is set at the start of Nutbox, the upvote weight is 15-20 times that of the SP delegation, and one post will got a upvote per day. The second part is slightly more complicated.


Only the delegatee of Nutbox can become a Nutbox curator. Nutbox will evaluate the level of Nutbox curator based on three factors, so that @nutbox.mine can follow up on curator's upvote behavior. The Nutbox Curation System is currently in its infancy. The three factors that determine the level of Nutbox curator are:

只有Nutbox的代理人才能成为Nutbox curator,Nutbox会根据三个因素评估Nutbox curator的等级,以让@nutbox.mine对curator的点赞行为进行跟赞。目前Nutbox Curation System是初级阶段,决定 Nutbox curator等级的三个因素有:

The first version of Nutbox curator has been released, and @nutbox.mine has also set the upvote weights of the curators(Score more than 60 points) according to the evaluation results.

第一版Nutbox curator已经出炉,@nutbox.mine也已经按照评估结果,设定了对curator(评分大于60分)跟赞的权重。

Nutbox.DAO's assessment score mainly refers to: 1. Whether the curator is fair and independent review; 2. Whether the curator sets automatic follow-up; 3. The contribution of the curator to nutbox and Steem;


In order to support the Steem ecological project and the community, the community or any project leader can apply to become a special examiner through Nutbox Proposal. The corresponding project or community will be supported by nutbox.mine as long as the proposal is passed by the Nutbox community. The incubation projects by Nutbox will also be supported in this way.

为了支持Steem生态项目及社区,社区或项目负责人可以通过Nutbox Proposal申请成为特别审查员,Nutbox社区投票通过,即可让 nutbox.mine 支持对应项目或社区。nutbox.mine也会通过这种形式,支持Nutbox投资孵化的项目。

We are looking forward to the Nutbox Curation System bringing some new atmosphere to Steem, let's work hard together!

期待 Nutbox Curation System 为Steem带来一些新气象,一起努力吧!

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