Soccer ⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽ wednesday

ngoenyi -

my picture with the blue team

My love for football game has been driving me crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I can't wait for every Wednesday and I always pray for a good weather. This Wednesday, we had a very wonderful weather, good for any outdoor activities.

I have a new client that is a civil servant who always leaves house by 7.30 am for work. He wants to exercise very early each workout day and as such, I arranged with him to be early at the playground. I was to be there by 6am. This means that I will have to leave my house earlier than 6am. I arranged for a motorbike that will come by 5.30 am to pick me up. This made me to get up from my bed by 5 am. Yes, I saidget up because was already awake from 1 am. I do my curation work from the midnight and stop at a time that I can resume after I am done with my workout in the afternoon. So, staying awake from that 1 am till 5 am is just normal for me.

To help me have my complete sleep hours, I do go to bed earlier or even sleep during the day if I have the opportunity.

Getting up, I had to freshen up, ensured that what my kids will take for breakfast is available. Then I got ready. The motorbike came right on time and waited for me to finish up. Then I joined him to the playground.


Upon getting to the vanue, I checked my phone and saw the client's message that he won't be coming because of work. That he needs to leave earlier than the work time. He apologised. The screenshot below shows my conversation with him

my conversation with the client

I waited outside the playground for the security personnel to grant me entrance. I was finally let in. I immediately started arranging for our workout equipments according to the programs that we will undertake that day.

I brought out the skipping ropes as the first program. Yes, we have 8 skipping ropes for the general class apart from the ones some individuals bought for their personal use which they do bring along as they are coming.

Next was the cones. Yes, the second program is going to be plank where the individual will have to pick the the cones with one hand and transfer them one by one to the otherwise of the hand while still in plank position. I shared the cones according to the colours and each one was 10 in number.

I then went and brought out the step boards and the weights and set them in their positions. I also brought out the Tommy trimmer as part of the program. Then I set the music boss and plugged my devices

my selfie after setting the cones
The skipping ropes, the Tommy trimmer and my bag
the comes in 5 places of 10 each

Since it was just me, I started my own personal programs with skipping rope. I jumped 500 times, then moved to the cones and did my complete program. I moved to the third program before other people started coming in. As they come, I give them programs. The first program has options. Most people don't like jump ropes. So, I gave them the option of jogging round the field twice.

As they complete each programs, I give them the next. I had to show each of them the demo of each programs before they start because they didn't come at the same time.

Our workout session ended by 8 am so that we can go over to the soccer ⚽⚽⚽ game. The chairman with the ball came with the ball.

It is soccer ⚽⚽⚽ time

We have fewer people this time around because most of the clients left early for their personal reasons. But that didn't stop us. We paired as usual. Each team had 5 players. I brought out the Steemit jersey for use. As always, my team went for the yellow jersey while the other team wore the blue. I don't know but it is always a coincidence that I join a team that likes yellow jersey.

We played with our normal ball that is not hard. Hence, no one was afraid of the ball. Everyone came out to play. I first played as a striker and later as a defender. The first and the second half ended goalless.

It was a fun football game. We had a very funny commentator who also doubled as our media person. She added luster to the game with her funny comments. I am going to upload the video of part of her funny 🤣🤣🤣 comments to thrill you a little and sje is a lady @happyluv to be precise. Her school activities has kept her inactive for sometimes now.

We dismissed afterwards and each member went home. I waited for a while for my device to be full since it was mostly used to cover the event.

I left with my son because he came later to join the soccer game.

my son and I walking down the road close to Pan African comprehensive secondary school

At home

My daughter is writing a state examination for promotion into the final year in her secondary school, that is senior secondary school 3. That means that she will be graduating from high school next year. That is is why she didn't go to the playground with us. My son on the other hand has finished his third term examination, waiting for the end of the term school party that will come up next week Monday.

one of the papers she already wrote

Because my daughter wasn't around, we had to prepare lunch. My son assisted me with some chores like pounding palm fruits in the mortar for me to be able to extract the juice for banga stew. He did well while I was washing the jerseys and my workout outfit for the day. Yes, I was able to wash them before preparing food.

my washed shoes
the clothes I washed
the other clothes
during the washing
the palm fruits inside the mortar
my son in the kitchen

I sent my son to go refill our gas cylinder from a nearby vendor because it finished before I could know it. He used wheelbarrow to push it. I bought 3 kg at 1300 naira per kg which amounted to 3900 naira and that is the equivalent of 12.187 steem at the current price on that day.

This same cooking gas was sold at 350 (1.09 steem) naira years back and 650 naira (2.031 steem) as at last year. Then it was difficult to get the cash. And now, imagine the difference. Most citizens are really suffering. The way prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing is alarming. Do you also know that even beans, the black eyed beans that was sold 3500 (10.94 steem ) naira a year ago per a custard bucket of 4 kg is now sold at 8900(27.8 steem) naira at present. This is very annoying but what can we do. All our struggles now is from hand to mouth. No more luxuries. I don't know if I am the only one experiencing this @goodybest @mesola @ruthjoe @ninapenda @fredquantum? Are you also facing the same challenges?

Well, we can only hope on God for the wisdom to manage our little resources while working hard to earn. It's not really easy anywhere in my country.

As soon as I was done cooking, we ate and while resting, my daughter came back from the exams and narrated how it went. She needs to prepare for the next day.

My son played chess with my husband in the evening while I was watching with one eye as I was also busy with my curation work here on the blog. All I know about this chess ♟️♟️♟️ is the king, the queen and there position in the game. I am still learning. Some moves horizontally and some moves diagonally. My son is teaching me but I haven't paid attention. But I will have to do that someday. He is good at it and I have encouraged him to write a post about playing chess and teach us how to play it, perhaps I can learn from there because my head can only assimilate what is on the blog, Steemit. Lols 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂! I am waiting for his post on it. He is @wizzyboy3.

That was all for the day. What was left was to sleep and those who were hungry ate before bed.

Thank you all for reading through. I invite those I also invited above to take part and share their own diary. The contest post is here

This is my introductory post here