My Monday fitness Drills

ngoenyi -

Monday is usually my workout days and I don't usually miss out on it especially as the coach. But I wasn't around last week and as such I didn't exercise. However, with my return on Saturday evening, I made plans to be there this past Monday. I am glad I did. Check out how it all went.

instructing others and training myself too

I confirmed that I was not going to be out of town. Then I got set and left the house before 6.30 am. Getting to the vanue, I was the first. I had been away for a week and as such, I first of all went round to check on our equipments to ensure safe. I also plugged my devices since hoodlums vandalized our transformer, making us to be out of electricity for now.

I brought out some of the step boards for use and then my clients started trooping in. I asked them to jog round the field while I get set for the programs of the day.

I later jogged too but just once so that I can attend to those who already completed their rounds. Some ran for 3 repetitions and others more. Set for the programs, I told them to fall in place to start the day.

I thought of concentrating on programs that will take care of a particular part of the body but I decided otherwise, after all, it is supposed to be aerobics week.

center>Warmup programs

Apart from the jogging, I also initiated other warmup programs. There are new members that joined while I was away. Warm programs help me to know their level of strength and forbearance.

Running in place

We did this 50 times for 2 repetitions, bringing it to 100 times.

This helps the heart to pump more blood, those increasing the level of our endurance. I looked at my clients to see how they were doing. Some were panting heavily especially the new ones, while some, though were panting as well, but are already used to it. They have built the resistance already.

We also did other warmup programs that helped to set the body in motion. Once I was satisfied, we moved to the main programs for the day

As a coach, I don't just give out programs, I monitor how my clients are carrying it out, I also monitor the effects of the programs on them to know whether to increase or reduce the number of repetitions or to increase it. I also watch out for those who may not be able to carry out certain programs to know their peculiar situations and know how to tackle them.

Those who are not doing it well or who are not in the right posture, I try to help them out while the program is on.

High Knees

This was the first program we did. It involves lifting your legs up in alternating ways and in a jumping mood. It's as if you want to jump but you will lift one of the legs up by bending it in an angle 90 position as the foot face the group but the knee is bent and brought almost close to the chest. Our target was 100, so I split it into 2 of 50s.

It was hard for some people while others, though found it difficult but endured till the end. I also completed it because as a coach, I have to motivate others.

From the expressions on the faces of my clients, I decided that the next program will not have to be for leg for now. So, I opted for arm exercises to enable the leg recover.

arm rotation

This was the next program we undertook for the day. It involves lifting the arms on a lateral position, then suspend it and rotate them on that position. You don't allow the arm to go down below the lateral position or above it, that way, the arm will feel the impact the more.

We rotated it on both clockwise and anticlockwise for 50 rotations each. We really felt it. Ordinarily, we are supposed to do that with a light dumbbell on both arms. That where the impact will really be felt such that even when you reduce the repetitions, you will achieve more results. But since we don't have 2kg or 3kg dumbbells, we did them without and still achieved something meaningful due to the repetitions.

This helps to firm the arm and sculpture it in a way that it firms the muscles, this allowing us to carry out our daily routines with ease.

shoulder touch

We moved to this after 10 seconds rest from the previous program. Yes, though the arm was aching, we had to complete the arm programs.

This involves dreading the arm to lateral position, then bend then bend the arm to touch the shoulder with the fingers and return immediately. It is done continuously without stopping until the number of Repetitions are achieved.

Our target was 200 because that program is somehow simple, it is only by repeating it severely can we be able to feel the impact.

First, I instructed that we go 50 times. We went twice of 50 each. Then I increased it to 100 to be able to achieve the 200 times I already announced. We all agreed and we did it. It was really tough but it was worth it.

Now that our legs have rested, we went back to programs that will invite leg, abs and arms again.

tricep dip kicks

This is a variation of tricep dips. Here, I stead of dipping with your butt, you kick with your both legs. You will kick forward and back to position with both legs. We did this for 120 repetitions while resting at intervals of 20 and 30.

This program engaged both the arms, the legs and the butt because as you are returning the legs after kicking, you dip your butt and remember that it is the arm that is your support. It was really felt by all.

leg scissors kick

This works best for the abs but still benefit other parts of the body. It is achieved by seating on the floor or board or step, then extend your both legs forward at an angle of 45 degree, then start the journey. It has 2 variations. You can either move the legs straight up and down at an alternating or opposite directions, that is, one leg up and the other one downwards to achieve the scissors formation, or you cross the legs sideways in alternating of opposite directions. Remember that your weight will be on your arms and butt.

We were able to hit our target of 200 in 50 repetitions. This really helps the abs to be firm.


We carried out stretches to conclude the programs for the day. We did several programs that stretched all parts of the body. They totaled 10 in number including breathing in and out. This helps to relax the muscles and mind, this reducing the pain that could have been felt after exercising. It also makes the body to be more flexible.

Weight lifting

Ending the programs for my clients, I decided that I needed to lift weights. I, along with @alli001, @kidi40 and one other girl went to a nearby local gym owned by an individual who I haven't had the opportunity to meet in person. They once tooke there and I loved the weights there even though they were locally made. At least they do serve the purpose.

Upon getting there, I did deadlifts with the heaviest weight there for 15 repetitions of 3 sets, totalling 45. The video is here below

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Then I moved to squats with weight which I did 15 repetitions for 2 sets, totalling 30. The video is also below

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I went over to bench press. This is usually different for me but I was able to achieved 19 repetitions in 5, 9 and 5 intervals of 3 sets. See video below

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I was satisfied. Then we left.

I was so happy that I did these programs for the day and I felt the benefits of drilling myself to the limits.

I am building my endurance, firming my muscles as well as getting the shape that I really desired while achieving the smartness that I want as I age. Why not join fitness today and reap the benefits as you age. Assist your bone to remain strong and produced the necessary nutrients that will keep you firm and active even at your your old age. It is never late to start. Take the decision that I took 3 years ago and love yourself for it.

Pictures and videos credit: @alli001

This is my introductory post here