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Day 2: Working as independent monitor for WHO Measles immunization Implementation process in Eyulor rural Area. Work halted and then restarted


7 days agoSteemit6 min read


As we concluded with day 1, I was ready for day 2, but an announcement came that this immunisation has been suspended. We were told to stop work following the announcement on the screenshot below

1000255493.jpgthe screenshot of the stop work announcement

This information came very early but I got to know after my jogging that early morning. I was confused. But my colleagues told me that it is possible that they might ask us to continue the work the next day. We were also told that the people at the helm of affairs are having urgent meetings to know the cause of action to take. However, since I wasn't sure if we will continue, I went back to my city of residence to be with my kids and thus train my clients the next day. But I waited till evening before travelling. There was no positive outcome from the meeting they had, but we gathered that the reason for halting the work is due to a memorandum of understanding which the governor of my state of residence didn't sign. They wanted him to sign it first before we can continue. It was a way to to ensure compliance.

1000252448.jpgmy morning jogging with few neighbours
The local market1000252635.jpg
1000252636.jpgmy selfie at the market, trying to buy few things before leaving

I arrived safely at my home and met my kids who even felt surprised to see me. While being happy that I was back, they were also not happy because they had wanted to experiment staying alone, lols 😂😂😂😂. Additionally, they had a meal planned for them which they had wanted to complete before we could be back.

Their desire was granted as in the morning, a counter announcement came for us to restart our work and continue from where we stopped. I was so devastated about that in a way because I had spent money to be back and now I was to go back again. I spent less amount than I spent while going for the first time. I spent N2500 (8.33 steem at N300 per steem). And now I was going to spend again to get back to base coupled with the stress. But I didn't have options, I have to complete my work. The announcement is in the screenshot below

The screenshot of the counter announcement to restart work1000255497.jpg

I left my house before 6 am to the motor park to be able to meet up with the starting time which is 8 am. Thank goodness, I got a vehicle and left. Spending N2900 (9.6 steem), I arrived at my base and rejoined others who felt Pity for me. They refused to go back that day.

My Assigned Ward: Ward 9 in Oroku

I was assigned to a different ward from where I worked the first day. This time around in ward 9. I inquired of the place and left. It's a distance closer than where I worked on day one. Accompanied by 3 of colleagues who were also going in that my direction, we walked to the location on foot

1000254425.jpg1000254426.jpgthe 2 pictures are at the entrance of the ward 9
1000254409.jpgmy 2 colleagues and I on our way to the wards
The river at the entrance of my assigned ward1000254424.jpg
1000254427.jpgmy selfie on arrival at my ward.

The name of the place is Eyulor in Oruko. This Oruko is combined with Urue Effong to form an LGA. So, that Eyulor has about 5 different settlements. But I was to sample only 2. Meeting the focal person in that area where they had a temporary health centre, I was given the data that I needed from them. I enquired from the villagers about the names of the settlements or villages that make up the ward 9. I started from Eyulor Oto and ended at Eyusoyo.

My work involved sampling 20 kids on sites in one settlement, then sampling 10 houses chosen at random in that same settlement. Then house marking on those houses I sampled.

Then I moved to the next settlement, sampled 20 kids on sites, then 10 houses chosen at random and then house marking.

Upon arriving in first settlement which is named Eyulor Oto, I enquired about the village head, then went to the sites. One of the sites I went to was a government school


There I saw the kids between the ages of 05 months to 59 months and sampled just 10 children as requested. The visible evidence of an immunised child is left thumb mark. I checked all the 10 kids and got my information and left. I went to churches too and playgrounds.

Then I filled 4 forms with the information gotten from that settlement. I had to fill the form there because I needed to also get the Google coordinates of that place to show that I really did my work.

Then I moved to the next settlement which is named Eyusoyo. I did the same thing, filled the forms and concluded my work. I met the nurses that were immunising the kids and took pictures of them as you can see below


As soon as I was done, I went back to the main health centre where we are to report our activities. I was to give reports to the LIO and other supervisors that came from both Abuja and other places. Then I signed attendance and retired for the day.

The development is that this work will continue until the 7 days will be over. With that announcement, the days will extend to Monday. But let's see how it goes.

The work is somehow stressful but thank goodness that I am a fitness person. I do a lot of trekking to be able to thoroughly do my work. I am displaying my endurance already which I built from workout. Indeed, carrying out my daily activities becomes easier with exercises.

Thanks to you all for reading through. I will report my day 3 next when I am done 👍


This is my introductory post here



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