What is the right age for having a Child?

nainaztengra -

For a Woman having a Child is one of the most life changing experience that she can go through. It's about a lot of things, just not the change with the physical body but overall, mentally emotionally there are many changes that happen. Especially with the first baby when the whole experience is first time, every day there is a new emotion, new challenge to go through. Adapting with the physical changes within is one big part that she has to accept. On the outside nothing shows up, but internally from within so much is happening.

And all of this does not end after she delivers the baby. There is still lots that will keep going. The feeding, the sleepless nights, managing the baby crying, understanding the bay language and their needs, all of this is another challenge to deal with. As the baby starts growing up and gets stable, it still does not end here. Then starts the schooling and education, the running around. It is a never-ending Job.

As soon as the Woman gets pregnant, her whole life changes. A lot of sacrifices that she will need to make putting herself at self at the backfoot and making the child the priority. With all of this, what do you think is an ideal age for a woman to have her first child and get into the never-ending job of Motherhood.


I personally believe that the age of 28 to 35 is the right age for a Woman to have her first child. By this time, she is settled in life. If she is a working woman, she has kind of settled in her career as well. She has matured enough to understand another life growing within her and the needs of the child. By this time, there is some kind of financial stability also within the couple. Also, physically her body is strong enough to cope up with all the changes that she will have to go through. So it would be ideal for her.

Having a child at a very later age, especially after 40, would also be very challenging because then that has its own complications with the pregnancy part. Not only that, the bigger the age gap the more difficulty in understanding child's perspective as the child grows up. The generational gap creates problems with understanding each other's viewpoints.

What do you all think, what is the right age to have children?

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