Tiger shrimp or Tiger prawns || #club100 ❤️

muthmainnah -

10% payout to @japansteemit

Hai all every body,,,

How are things today?
May we always be in the protection of Allah SWT, all affairs will be facilitated and smooth.

On this very beautiful night back again with me @muthmainnah, on this occasion I want to share some photos of shrimp that I took this afternoon. This shrimp is taken when the husband raises water into his pond. Alhamdulillah for all the blessings today, hopefully tomorrow and so on will be more blessed and abundant, amen.

This shrimp is a tiger shrimp. Among the previous people, this shrimp is a mainstay shrimp for cultivation. However, since the arrival of the Vaname type shrimp, the charm of tiger prawns has begun to fade and it is very rare to find people who cultivate shrimp. Over time, the charm of vaname shrimp began to fade as well. Finally, some of the people have moved to cultivating tiger prawns again.

Even so, around where I live there are also those who cultivate vaname shrimp. By reason of how to cultivate it is not too complicated like tiger prawns. However, my husband personally prefers and likes to cultivate tiger prawns and fish as a complement. For today and in the area where I live in particular, if the cultivation of shrimp is not alternated with milkfish or tilapia, the result is Fifty-Fifty. The first possibility is that the seeds are not large and the second is that the seeds are large, but only a small amount is left.

And the cultivation of tiger prawns in my husband's pond is all interspersed with fish. With the hope, if the shrimp can produce maximum results at least there are fish that can collect all the losses. No one knows that sustenance because if Allah wills, He will bring it from the sides who do not think about it.

Almost all of my husband's ponds are interspersed with fish cultivation, be it milkfish or other tilapia. Don't worry and worry about the sustenance that comes to us because when we always involve God in every business, then our hearts will never be disappointed forever.

So a little from me, hopefully it can be useful for all of us. Don't be afraid to do new things. As long as it's still within the boundaries, maybe new things are a magnet for sustenance in our lives.

Thank you very much to @tomoyan,@juichi,@yasu,@zylhendra,@malihafarhan and all steemian friends who are always loyal to support and visit my posts because without your support and input I would not have arrived at this second.

#club100 ❤️

best regard me,