Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W5 - "If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?

msharif -

Hello Everyone. I am @msharif
From #Bangladesh

Hello friends how are you all? Hope everyone is well. I am very well with all your prayers. Today I am back again to participate in another contest of Engagement Challenge. Where I will share a few things about settle overseas. I found this a very interesting contest so I would like to thank Hindwhale Community for organizing such a contest.

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If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?

If I had the opportunity to settle abroad, the three countries I would choose are England, Japan and America. These three countries are always my favorite countries. These countries are advanced countries in terms of finance as well as in terms of technology. In addition, their social system and facilities here are amazing. Which is why these three countries are at the top of my wish list. I am currently in England I will try to get citizenship in this country first if not then I will try in next two countries.

Which First Country do you wish to migrate to, and how does its employment, rules and regulations, defence, and income benefit you?

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I want to settle in England first. I am currently living in England for studies. And I plan to work later and try to stay as per the rules here.

Everything in this country is very much liked by me especially the facilities of this country are many who are permanent in this country. The job opportunities here are very high, the medical system for the treatment of people here is very advanced, in terms of the environment, this country is a very clean country. Also everyone is given a lot of opportunities to settle here and they are a very good nation which is why I chose England first to settle. I will continue my efforts as much as possible and I hope I can definitely stay here.

Which second country do you wish to migrate to, and how do its employment, rules and regulations, defence, and income benefit you?

I want to settle in America secondly. Because we all know America is one of the world's largest economies. In one word, America is the richest country in the world. And all the things that a country needs including environment, economy, defense etc are properly present in the country. The country has the right environment to promote and do business. So all in all, I thought I would like to settle in America as a second country if I get the chance.

In addition, there is a wonderful green land of natural beauty in America. Because of which I want to live in this country and also because it is a country of technology, I think this country will be very useful for me.

Which third country do you wish to migrate to, and how do its employment, rules and regulations, defence, and income benefit you?

Made Form

If I were to settle or settle in any third country it would be Japan. Because Japan is the world's second economy. Japanese technology, Japanese planning and the overall environment of Japan are all very high quality. People's living conditions are very advanced and Japan is a very convenient place for jobs and business. Everything you need in a country to live permanently is available here, which is why I will definitely choose Japan as a third country if I get a chance to live in Japan.

I invite @enamul17 @anroja @f2i5 to participate in this contest.

Here is the contest link - Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W5 - "If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?

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