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The Importance of Media Literacy for Children


7 days agoSteemit3 min read


In the digital era, it is important for children to understand the use of technology. One of the negative impacts of using gadgets is the large number of hoaxes, photos, or videos whose content is not age-appropriate and educational.

Although it has been anticipated, it is undeniable that supervision is a challenge in itself. Therefore, it is important to instill digital media literacy in children, even from an early age.

Digital literacy must start as early as possible, even before children enter school age. Children need balance, there are times when they need to sit down, and read, or talk to their parents. But they also need to learn how to use technology.


The ability that students need is to distinguish between correct information, because there is a lot of fake news circulating out there. Filtering and understanding what is fact and what is not.

Understanding media literacy also means having the ability to think for a moment before they upload or respond to something. The mission to spread digital literacy knowledge is also the main agenda of education in Indonesia today. The challenge is to reach students to ensure they understand what is being conveyed.

Make sure we choose a topic that is relevant to them. Because everyone examines information differently.

Times have changed, the positive use of digital technology should have a bigger portion in the world of education.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam


In temporibus digitalis, interest ut pueri usum technologiae intellegant. Una e gadgetibus negativis utendi est magnus numerus fraudium, imagines, vel videos, quarum contenta non est aetas idonea et educational.

Etsi praeventus est, negandum est vigilantiam in se ipsa esse. Ideo interest media litteracy digitali immittere in pueris, etiam ab ineunte aetate.

Digital literatus quam primum incipere debet, etiam antequam pueri aetatem scholam ingrediuntur. Statera opus est pueris, interdum sedere opus est, et legere, vel loqui ad parentes. Sed necesse est ut technologia uti discat.

Facultas studentium opus est inter informationes rectas discernere, quia multum est falsis nuntiis ibi egentibus. Percolatur et intelligens quod factum est et quod non est.

Intellectus literatus instrumentorum etiam significat facultatem cogitandi momentum habere, antequam aliquid imponat vel respondeat. Missio ad cognitionem literaturae digitalis dilatandam est etiam principalis agendi ratio educationis in Indonesia hodie. Impugnatio est ad discipulos perventuros ut ipsi intellegant quid defertur.

Fac nos eligimus thema quod ad eos pertinet. Quia omnes aliter examinant informationes.

Tempora mutata, positivus usus digitalis technologiae maiorem partem in mundo educationis habere debet.

Salvete pacti semper.

Per @midiagam


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