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Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W3 | "Money or Peace?"


3 months agoSteemit4 min read


Have read a story about a very wealthy man by name Richard, this was a man that acquired everything he could ever want: a grand mansion, expensive cars, and a vast fortune. But even with his wealth, he lived a life without peace. He was constantly stressed and anxious, he is always worrying about his business and his wealth.

Mr Richard had no time for relationships or hobbies, and his only group of friends were his business associates. All his life is always locked away in his office, making deals and accumulating more wealth.

Something happen one day when mr. Richard realized that his wealth had not brought him the happiness he ever wanted in life. He felt empty and unfulfilled.

Even with all the wealth he acquired, Mr. Richard's life was filled with lack of peace, no joy and no sense of fulfillment. He was a prisoner of his own success, and at this point, he didn't know how to do away with his wealth.

So with Mr. Richard's story let me know that this two words matters alot in our lives. With peace it comes to fulfilment and you can achieve this by living of fulfilment and personal growth.

Are we all sacrificing peace to make money?


In our daily lives area lot of us are constantly striving in order to make more money, usually at the expense of our own peace of mind. We work for long hours, take on different jobs, and take part in highly competitive industries, all in the name of financial success. However, in our efforts to gain wealth, we may be unwillingly sacrificing our own mental and emotional well-being.

One of the main ways in which we sacrifice our peace for money is through the phenomenon of workaholism.

You might want to know what is the meaning of Workaholics?

Workaholics are people who over-work themselves or people who are excessively hardworking and often lift their careers above every other thing, including their health and relationships. This constant move for success and financial gain can lead to stress, burnout,and a lack of work-life balance, all of which can possibly have negative consequences on our overall happiness and peace of mind.

Moreover, our tiredless pursuit of money can also have broader societal implications. In the search for profit, companies might prioritize the key point over the well-being of their employees, the environment, and the community at large. This might lead to exploitative labor practices, environmental degradation, and social inequality, all of which add to a sense of unrest and disharmony in our society.

For instance of my case, there was time I always pursue money but inside me there was no peace, at times I will hard to wake up by 3am so as to catch up with market motor. I was a shadow of myself and at times feel pity for myself but ever since I decided to put down some adventure, I now have the peace I ever wanted.

Which is wiser to spend and earn or to spend after earning and saving?


The idea of spending and earning money has become a common practice. The taught of spending and earning money has become a known practice. though some people thinks it is wiser to spend and earn simultaneously, others stand against that it is more better to spend after getting the money and saving.
But what do we have as an individual, do we prefer to spend after getting and saving. I have learned in my own way to save later then spend it so that I can see the value.

Apart from money, what brings you peace and happiness?


Apart from money, there are so many things that can bring peace and happiness in life. One of the most important thing is by having strong and supportive relationships with both friends and family. Spending time with loved ones,like the way I do sharing laughter and also creating memories together can bring a sense of security and fulfillment that money cannot buy.

like me I prefer spending more time with my kids than spending time in the things of my materials want

Another source of peace and happiness can come from engaging in some activities which bring us joy and fulfillment. This could be chasing a hobby or passion, such as painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument. By taking time to do things that bring us happiness can probably help to reduce stress and as well improve our overall well-being.


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