Greetings friends, am sure we are aware that airdrops are trending in our world today, so many people are now mining airdops in telegram, there are people who were jobless and they decided to make crypto and airdrop their job so that they won't remain idle all the time. People like this always take time to make research and through their numerous research they are always able to predict airdrops that will pay massively.
I talked about Major airdrop the other day and how the airdrop works so today I will be talking about TONxDAO airdrop. This airdrop was very particular when it came out new but now is not popular and I believe alot of people have given up on it already but I have given up at all, am trying my best to keep on checking on the airdrop almost everyday.
I was so excited that I managd to get three referrals even though is not up to 4 because I hardly get referrals in the airdrops I do, most of my friends don't believe in airdrops at all. In this particular airdrop, all we need to do is just o press the center circle for long till when the energy is finished and as we are pressing it, our coin balance is increasing gradually till we are done and the energy fills up again after 8 hours.
There are also different tasks in this airdrop and as you can see below, I have done all these ones successfully, they have rewards and each time I finish doing them I get rewards.
I was very interested in this airdrop the day I decided to do almost all the tasks after procrastinating all the time because I didn't really found it necessary then.
We can also referral people, I think all airdrops has a link given to users to refer people them. Am still trying my best to refer more people to TONxDAO airdrop so that they will benefit from it if it actually pays. I also try my best to check-in on this airdrop everyday so that I can claim the daily reward, if I skip any day my reward goes back to the smallest one.