Continuation of yesterday's activities in the papaya garden in the event of cleaning the weeds growing under the papaya plants

masril -

Hi friends, how are you all, I hope you are all in good health, and have a nice day, and on this evening's occasion, I am back to posting about the continuation of my activities in the papaya garden, which I have been working on for two days cleaning the weeds under the papaya plants, and maybe tomorrow I will finish cleaning the grass that grows under the papaya plants, and today it is quite big we cleaned it, and below I will show some pictures in the papaya field.

when we were resting, because we had been working for 3 hours, and our bodies were already overwhelmed and thirsty, and we took a break for about 20 minutes, and on that occasion I tried to take pictures of my activities and the atmosphere in the papaya garden, precisely under the papaya plants we took a break for a moment, while enjoying cigarettes and drinking water to add energy, to continue cutting the grass under the papaya plants using a hoe, so that it would be difficult for the wild grass growing under the papaya plants to grow again, and this is the atmosphere in the papaya field.

conditions in the middle of the papaya garden and precisely where we cut the grass which makes the papaya plants become bushes, and friends can see the grass that has piled up under the papaya plants, and I can only take pictures when I'm resting, if I'm working then I don't have time to hold a cellphone, so I only show the results, and the conditions in the field, and this is still in the process of cleaning up the wild leaves that grow under the papaya trees and I have piled them up, which I will later throw outside the garden, so that there are no bushes in the papaya garden, as ordered by the owner of the garden.

the condition that we have finished cleaning it, which already looks clean and pleasing to the eye, and the atmosphere of the papaya garden also looks pleasing to the eye, without any more weeds growing under the papaya plants, and it is very suitable for sprinkling fertilizer if it is clean like this, because if you sow fertilizer you have to clean the grass under the papaya plants first, so that the fertilizer we sprinkle will be directly absorbed into the papaya plants, if there is no more grass growing below, and friends can see the condition of the garden after we clean it.

This is the story today, which is a continuation of the activities in the papaya garden, which has entered the second day, in the papaya field, and maybe tomorrow we will finish the activities in the papaya garden, all that remains is to throw away the grass that we have cut, and we have piled up, and tomorrow we will throw away the grass that we have piled up, and hopefully we will be given a healthy condition always, and made easy to get sustenance and live happily, that is the story tonight, thank you, greetings.