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[Summary Report] SEC20/WK1: Introduction to Graphic Design and Principles.


4 days agoSteemit3 min read

Hello students, It's a new week which promises to be fruitful, I want to believe we enjoyed the lesson dished out last week. Should I even be asking this question? The influx of entries is enough proof to show that the lesson was interesting.

This made me wonder if these number of people are really interested in learning graphic design or they are just passive about it. Well time will tell....smiles. it's a six weeks course that promises to take you from an absolute novice to a Good graphic designer. If you stay till the end, you would surely get your desired result, that i can guarantee.

Homework Task for last week

Question 1: What is Graphic Design? Briefly Share with me your understanding about graphic design

Question 2: Pick any three of the principles of Graphic design and talk about them based on your level of understanding .

Question 3: Practically show us how to make the graphical image below.

1000727146.jpgUsing 1080x1080 size/dimension.

Mini Statistic for last week

Total Entry68
Valid Entry66
Invalid Entry2

A total of 68 entries were received and 66 out of the entries were valid, two were disqualified because they ain't verified user, more so they seem to be farming account which we frown at on the platform. I be on the look out this week from such users.

Top 5 Entries

I want to specially commend every student who took part in the homework task, I could tell from the entries that y'all did your best, I just could not hide the feeling of excitement that followed even as I took my time to review the entry of each and every one of you.

But you know we all cannot emerged as the top 5, I had to careful sieve out the top 5 out of the many outstanding post I had for the week. Trust me, it was such a sensitive task for me because everyone attempted it just so well.

There were some who made it to the top 5 by leveraging on the theoretical aspect of the task to single out themselves, some others channeled their strength into the practical aspect of the task while the others had a blend of both which equally singled them out for the week.


There were other amazing entries as can look them up with the unique hashtags for the week. Dear student, if you didn't make it up to the top 5 last week, do not be discourage, it might just be your turn thus week. I wish you the very best.




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