kyrie1234 -

Good day steemians!

We had one favorite restaurant. We usually go to AA BBQ whenever we will be celebrating something but it is already late in the afternoon. We always chose this restaurant because it is just near our place and we still had work the following day. On that restau, they served the yummy Four Season drinks.


Just a little info about the drinks, it is just a simple juice drink but they will be putting fresh fruits like apple, lemon, watermelon, pineapple and grapes. The juice drink itself is already yummy plus the fresh fruits adds its taste.

This food drink is our favorite. If we will go to any restau, we were always inquiring this type of drink. We love it because we can drink it and we can also eat some fresh and healthy fruits.


And today, I am going to share to you my on version of four-season drinks.

While I am preparing our dinner, I saw our stocks of four season powder, and upon opening the fridge I also saw an apple. So to make the story short, even I only had apple I made my own version of FOUR-SEASON DRINKS.



In making our simple drinks, Matheena my cute daughter will help me. She really loves to do household chores and really loves to help me. So, in her young age I just let her help even if it will make the table messy at least she've learn.

Step 1:

(In a 1-liter water, put the four-season powder and mic it well.)

Step 2:

(While Matheena is mixing the powdered juice and water, I prepare the apple by cutting it into cubes.)

Step 3:

(Afterwards, I put the sliced apple on the mixed drinks as well as the ice cubes and mix it again.)

And here is our own version of FOUR SEASON DRINKS. Though we only had an apple yet its taste is worth it and the whole family live it.

My made drinks is so perfect for our dinner.

That is all for now. Thank you for reading everyone and have a great day.


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