Don’t let your anger fester until the sun goes down

krishna768 -

  1. Anger Management -
    Anger management is a skill many people lack. When you get angry, your body releases adrenaline and cortisol. Both of these hormones make you feel strong and powerful. However, if you don't learn how to manage your anger, it can cause physical and mental harm. If you're feeling stress out, take deep breaths and count backwards from ten. You'll find that there's enough time to calm yourself before reaching zero.

2.Self Control -
Self control is the ability to regulate one's own emotions and actions. Those who lack self control often act impulsive and without thinking about their decision. To develop self control, practice delaying gratification. Do you want something right now or would you rather wait until later? Make sure you choose the later option.

3.Exercise -
Exercise helps release endorphines, chemicals that give you energy and a sense of well being. Walk outside or go jogging. Find a quiet place where you won't disturb anyone and just listen to music. Take a break from work,and do something fun!

4.Meditation -
Meditation is a great way of clearing your mind and relaxing. Sit comfortably and close you eyes. Focus on your breath and count slowly from 1-10. Repeat this exercise several time throughout the day.

5.Positive Thinking -
Positive thinking is a mindset. It focuses on the positive aspects in life. Instead of dwelling negative thoughts, think about the good things that happen today and tomorrow.

6.Gratitude -
Gratitude is a concept. Every morning,write down three things you're thankful for. Doing so will keep you appreciating the small things in life and help you appreciate the big ones too. 7.Prayer - Praying is a great idea. Ask God to help you overcome obstacles, and stay focused. He'll guide you through tough situations and help you achieve success.