SEC20/WK2: Colour Theory and Application."

kidi40 -

Design by me, edited on canva.

In the previous week, I was thought about graphic design as an art of combining ideas and messages to produce something extraordinary, and it's principle such as rhythm, balance, White space and more. I also learned how to practically made a graphical images, the class was formative. Hence we have a new week with the topic, Colour theory and application.

Of course, colour is what made our world beautiful and an interesting place to stay, we all have our favorite colours depending on our reasons. Imagine a graphic designer branding your shirt and ignoring your favourite colour or the colour of your choice, you'll feel unhappy. This same situation happens when we ignore colour theory in a design. But what is Colour theory? Let's dive to this topic.

Discuss Colour Theory according to the way you understand it.

Colour theory is a process whereby a graphic designer understand the way of practically applying colours to produce a eyes catchy design. School thought us about the three classifications of colour which are The primary, secondary and tertiary colour.

Without understanding the concept of mixing the primary colour to stem out the secondary colour, we end up creating something different. This same error happens when we choose the wrong colour, it separate your graphic from the design which in return it becomes something illogical.


With this expression, Colour theory can be easily understand as a way of applying the appropriate colour in a specific design or craft to make it outstanding and coherent to the message sending to your audience.

Choose "Two" from the colour scheme discussed, briefly talk about it and demonstrate with two examples each showing how to combine colours using that scheme.

In this section, I'll like to discuss about the following colour scheme.


Analogous colours are triple colours standing next to each other in the colour wheel. This colour is crucial because if mixed together, it creates a smooth transition that looks very catchy. If you look at the Colour wheel below, you realize that these indicated colours are looking almost the same, combining or mixing them together will probably create something interesting at ease.

Triadic Colour.

Triadic means anything related to three, so triadic Colour in the colour wheel can be define as a colour that are trivalent space from each other. In graphic design, you can mix triadic Colour by picking any Colour of your choice in the Colour wheel and counting from one to three then pick the number four colour.


Looking at the picture, you see the indicated number which represents triadic Colour. Despite the colour you start with, you'll end up resulting in bright and dynamic Colour, this is why it is called triadic Colour.

Demonstrate how to get your colour Hex from external object using your Canva design app.

Getting my colour hex from external object involves a whole lot of process, I'll be showing you the different steps I took to create my hex colour.

I first of all locate my canva application and launch it, i use my favourite Instagram post design to proceed my work. In the blank space i locate the gallery icon and click on it to display my photo gallery. While it open as seen in picture two, i decide to use our fitness football picture as my external object, i click on add to page which is colour purple.


I waited for a second so the selected image can load, when it loaded and appear in my design page; i click on colour then locate the colour wheel which contains a variety of colours.


After clicking on the colour wheel icon, there's a colour drawer that display in my screen, there's also an icon at the right side screen that look like a pen; this icon represent the colour picker option so i click on it. There's a circle blue colour that pops up immediately i click on the colour picker, so i moved it to the external image where there's a green grass, i then click done.


Finally the colour hex has been attach to my background, that gives me the colour hex code #8CBB2D.

Finally demonstrate how to get the colours behind the hex codes below.

Getting the colours behind the hex code isn't complicated since the hex code is already there. To get it done, I start by launching the canva app using my Instagram post design. I click on the colour icon and again click on the colour wheel icon. Next the colour drawer page appear as seen in picture 3.


I then replace the current hex code on the input bar with the given hex code in my assignment, here i get the exact colour that match the code i input. Look at the sample below.


In conclusion, understanding the concept of colour theory and it's scheme can help a graphic designer to improve his or her work with immediate effect. Mixing the rightful colour can change the eyesore look of a design into something extraordinary just like the sky does.

I'm very delighted to attend week/2 class and I've acquire more than skills on how to apply colour theory and it's scheme to a specific design, improving my design through the colour hex wheel. Thank you @lhorgic for your time.

I'll love to invite @alli001 @goodybest and @saintkelvin17 to take part in this contest.


All screenshots are mine.

Best regards KIDI40