SEC S20W2 || Hemoglobin - Module 2

khursheedanwar -

Assalamualaikum steemians


Rafael Rangel death

Rafael Rangel was a famous Venezuelan physician who died on July 20th 1927, due to suicide when he started his experiment with hookworm.He committed suicide because he lost his life in his intentions.After experiment it leads to anemia which decrease albumin level.Hence it caused dehydration and then cardiac failure.

In Rangel's death first acute level of intestinal hookworm infection occured which caused a secondary bacterial infection and then hemorrhagic shock.He is also recognized as a medical martyr in medicine world as because of his experiment many people made hemoglobin , hookworm and anemia researches.


Hemoglobin is a protein structure in red blood cells that carries O2 and CO2 in whole body.

Structure wise



Automated and Manual hematocrit

Here's a table comparing Automated Hematocrit and Manual Hematocrit:

PropertiesAutomated HematocritManual Hematocrit
1. AccuracyLess preciseMore precise
2. SpeedHigh speed15-30 minutes
3. CostMore initial investmentLess equipment cost
4. MaintenanceRegular maintainingMinimal maintenance
5. Operator SkillLess trainingProper technician
6. Sample VolumeLittle sample volumeGreater sample volume
8. Quality ControlGreat quality controlManual quality checks

Benefits of Automated

Benefits of Manual

Real life hematocrit example

I am going to explain an example of Flour-to-Water Ratio in Cookie Dough.

Suppose that while making cookie dough you are taking Flour (Red Blood Cells) = 40% and Water (Plasma) = 60% so here in this example flour is representing red blood cells while water is representing plasma (the liquid portion of blood)

Hematocrit = 40%

Because here in this real life example Hematocrit is measuring quantity of flour (RBCs) in total dough mixture.

Suppose three different scenarios for better understanding!

Scenario 1: Normal dough

Scenario 2: Dry Dough (Increased Hct)

If there is dry dough then less water would concentrates the flour (RBCs)which would increase hematocrit.

Scenario 3: Runny Dough (Decreased Hct)

If there is runny dough, then too much water would dilute flour (RBCs) and will decrease hematocrit.


Hemoglobin module-2 quiz?


I want to invite @kouba01,@malikusman1,@simonnwigwe