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What would you do to save your pet's life?


3 years agoSteemit3 min read

There are a lot of people out there that really care for their animals and even though it is probably said in jest there are a lot of folks that say "I like dogs more than I like most people." However, this particular story is one of great bravery and I wonder if I would have what it takes to do the same thing.


The man's name is Carl Moore and he is an ex Marine. He is also in his 70's. One day he heard his little darling whimpering outside and when he ran out to see what the problem was he was faced with a black bear on his property. Bears are very capable of chomping down on "Lacy" and killing her with ease, but they can also do the same to a human. Carl wasn't having any of this though.


Carl says that he first put his arms up in the air to make himself appear as big as possible and shouted at the bear but the bear was not scared by this so Carl did something that only the bravest of people could dream of, he punched the bear with all of his strength in the face. The rage and adrenaline must have temporarily given Carl super powers because the haymaker did the job and the bear ran off.

Carl had this to say about the encounter

“This bear's a jerk, but he ain’t been back since he’s been smacked by Carl,”

The love that Carl has for his baby is admirable and I would like to believe that I would be capable of the same if faced with the same situation. The closest I have come to anything like this was when a giant monitor lizard was in my yard and I chased it off with a stick. Monitor lizards are mostly scavengers so the threat level was significantly lower for me than it was for Carl.

It just goes to show the way that an animal can totally take over our hearts and Carl certainly has a big one of those, and a mean right hook as well.

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Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



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