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5 days agoSteemit4 min read


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In a distant kingdom, a king was celebrating his birthday. As part of the festivities, he received a very special gift: two young falcon chicks, with bright feathers and lively eyes that reflected the promise of a future in the art of falconry. The king, excited by the gift, decided to entrust these valuable specimens to the court's master of falconry, an expert in the training of birds of prey. Thus, with great expectations, he handed them over to the teacher, who would be in charge of guiding them in their training process so that, one day, they could become majestic hunting companions and flyers among the clouds.

After a few months, the instructor approached him to report on the falcons' progress. He explained that one of the specimens was completely educated, had perfectly mastered the art of flying and had learned to hunt with great skill. However, the instructor expressed concern about the other falcon. This second bird showed no signs of activity; It was still perched on the same branch from the moment it was brought to the palace. He was so reluctant to move that it was necessary to bring him food to that place, since he did not deign to descend for a single moment.

The king decided to summon all the healers and healers who could help him, regardless of their origin or specialty. However, no matter how hard they tried, none of them managed to get the bird to start flying. Faced with this failure, the monarch assigned the task to several members of his court, who, with great dedication, carried out their own tests and experiments. However, despite their efforts and the different strategies they tried, the situation remained the same; From the window of his rooms, the king watched with disappointment how the bird was still there, still and without movement.

Finally, the monarch decided to appeal to all his subjects, urging them to offer their help in this unusual circumstance. The next morning, when the king looked towards the gardens, he was filled with joy and relief to see the falcon flying with agility and grace, free once more in the air.

"Take me to the author of this miracle," he ordered his entourage. After a short time, they took him to a peasant.
Are you responsible for the falcon flying? How did you manage to do it? Do you perhaps possess some magical power?
The peasant, feeling both excited and somewhat intimidated by the presence of the towering figure, gathered his courage and began to explain:
It was nothing complicated, Your Highness: I simply cut the branch. The bird, realizing that it had wings, decided to let itself go and began to fly.


In our existence, there are numerous paths and opportunities that provide us with a sense of comfort and security. Some individuals, despite the stability that this environment offers them, decide to challenge their own limitations. They take risks, they launch themselves into the unknown and, through that experience, they learn to fly, constantly seeking personal improvement and growth in various facets of their lives.

On the other hand, there are people, like the second hawk in the metaphor, who prefer to stay on their branch, enjoying the comfort that their usual situation provides them. They feel safe in that known space and, consequently, avoid venturing into new experiences or challenges.

However, sometimes, life presents unexpected events that can break the branch of routine and security that they have adopted. Faced with these circumstances, these people are forced to face reality and suddenly discover that they have the ability to fly, to free themselves from their bonds and to surpass themselves. Sometimes things that are unexpected, and that even at first seem negative, are true opportunities to develop our potential.

We must develop our abilities and potentialities, as the saying goes: 'The confidence of the bird does not reside in the branch on which it perches, but in its own wings.'

Thank you all for dedicating a few minutes of your valuable time to read me. I invite you to participate. @miviki @keycama @karc85


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