Results Write in Micro Size - SLC21 WEEK 02

joslud -

The teaching team formed by @solperez and @joslud presents the results of week 2 of our Write In Micro Size.

We are proud and very satisfied with the talent and quality of the literary productions that the participants shared on Steemit and on their social networks, contributing to the dissemination of high-quality content on and from the platform.

Write in Micro Size in My Google maps

Week 2: Some numbers
Series: The Anthill
Evidence: Leaflets for an ant

23 Steemitas: 2 teachers + 21 participants
6 countries. At least 7 languages
23 leaflets sent to the world
See gallery of the triptychs
69 micro-stories between 150 and 23 words
Spin-offs: @alanasteemit applying micro-story techniques in his Dairy Diaries
Engagement: Excellent comments in quantity and quality between participants and other Steemitas.

The objectives of this second week were:

As a topic, we focused on the narrator's perspectives.

We recognize talent

We found a volcano of talent, creativity and styles. That is why we want to recognize in a TOP TWELVE list those impressive creations, attitudes and thinking outside the box, dedication and learning.

🏆Our Top Twelve of the week🏆

🏆 The most diligent ant

@alanasteemit: for the micro writing exercises in her diaries.

🏆 Ants with the greatest character development

@nishadi89: The empowered queen, very clear about her place and that of her drones.
@blessedlife: The queen mother and her carefree style
@goodybest: The sybaritic drone, with his “live life”
@soulfuldreamer: His queen determined to fulfill what she wants.

The best metaphors for the labyrinth

@cruzamilcar63 and @fajrularifst (Let's see what they turned it into)

🏆 Best handling of the ending

@fajrularifst: For the creative twist he gave to the labyrinth, and for making a request for help without writing it literally

🏆 Best handling of the literary genre

@sbamsoneu: For his handling of introspection and existential angst in a story full of action.

🏆 Newcomer of the week

@luisito01 for his natural talent for direct and concise communication in his first story.

🏆 The cruelest death

@cruzamilcar63 for his ant barbecue.

🏆 Epitaph that managed to move me

@ifatniza: I cried for a long time.

🏆 Most interesting epitaph

@nishadi89: By turning it into a farewell dialogue with his dead.

🏆 The ant that started and masterfully closes the anthill.

@lunasilver for the demonstration of resilience of an ant in a maze

The results of Week 02

The SLC organizers asked us to select the first 4 places, we assure you that it was very difficult to decide, but Solperez and I reached a consensus. Our honors to all.

🥇1.- @goodybest:

🥈 2.- @ifatniza

🥉 3.- @soulfuldreamer

🏅 4.- @cruzamilcar63

We close this post by thanking all the participants for their dedication to sharing part of themselves in their stories. It has been a real honor to meet them as MICRO-WRITERS.

Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.