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The comet discovered during the eclipse


3 months agoSteemit4 min read

The comet discovered during the eclipse


Some amateur astronomers have captured a new comet but it will not last long because it was going straight towards the Sun, it will surely already be disintegrated, but it has an amazing story behind it, it is one of the most impressive cosmic stories of our solar system.

The Comet is small, it has been discovered precisely thanks to this eclipse on April 8, it is much smaller than the Devil's Comet which is between 30 to 35 km in diameter, this one may be a few hundred meters in diameter, but its origin It is an exciting story because it is a Kreutz solar sprayer.


In the winter of 372 to 371 BC a Giant Comet approached the sun and I am not exaggerating about the Giant Comet, the Greek wise men Aristotle and Ephorus spoke about it in their writings, they said that it was an extremely bright entity, with a long tail of reddish color and that when approaching the sun it broke in two, in fact it must have broken into more pieces, because it is believed that the breakup of this Comet was the origin of all the Kreutz skimmers.

The thing about grazing is because they get very close to the Sun and in fact many of them end up disintegrating when they get so close to the Sun, we are talking about tens of thousands of fragments, a huge amount, to give you an ideal, since the launch of the Soho satellite in the In 1995, a satellite that studies the sun saw more than 4,000 comets falling into the sun and it is believed that 85% of them belonged to the Kreutz family, these Kreutz skimmers.

Many amateur astronomers have also been successful in discovering Kreutz comets from the data available in real time via the Internet. In addition to small comets that are around a few hundred meters, or 1 or 2 km, there are also huge fragments many kilometers in size. diameter, For example, it is believed that one of these large fragments was the one that gave rise to the Great Comet of 1843 and another also gave rise to the Great Comet of 1882.

Also the comet Ikeya Seki, was the brightest at its time and in addition to the most recent ones, it passed on September 18, 1966 just 450,000 km from the Sun and broke into several pieces, only three survived and those three pieces continued their route to the outermost part of the solar system, it is believed that the giant comet, the one seen by the ancient Greeks, must have been at least 120 km in diameter to have produced so many fragments, it is a monster size, for a comet such as the famous Halley's comet is only about 11 km in diameter and is one of the large ones.

The normal thing about the colorful Comets that usually illuminate the Earth's skies is that they are between three, four, five kilometers up to 10 at most, this reminds us that beyond Neptune there are monstrous comets and that perhaps every several thousand years , due to the whims of gravitational influences, some of them are caused to rush towards the sun with the danger that they warn about with a planet in their trajectory.

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