The ancient rings of the earth.

jorgebgt -

The ancient rings of the earth.

Imagine the Earth with rings, with rings like those of Saturn, surely we will have them soon because with so much space debris one day the Kesler syndrome will arise, that is, the cascade destruction of all the satellites and all the spaceships and all the space stations and we will end up having a ring of scrap metal.

But speaking seriously, according to Australian researchers, the Earth once had a ring similar to that of Saturn, as they have deduced from the study of ancient craters, this is almost a police investigation, according to their theory the ring could have formed approximately 466 million years ago and be the remains of a gigantic asteroid that was swept away by the Earth's tidal forces after passing our planet's Roche limit.

The Roche limit is the minimum distance at which an object can orbit another without destroying or falling. This can vary a little depending on how dense that object or moon may be, for example there are a couple of moons in Jupiter that are within the Roche limit, they would have to be destroyed, but it must be that they are denser than normal and they are holding on there, but the point is that according to these researchers, 466 million years ago a giant asteroid was trapped by the Earth and for a time it was a moon of our planet until it ended up getting too close and breaking into a multitude of fragments creating a ring.

Unlike Saturn, it would not be bright because Saturn is made up of blocks and particles of ice, however, at the distance that the earth is from the sun there is too much heat for the ice to remain in space, so the Earth's ring would be a dark, dusty ring that would cast a shadow over the Earth's equator and this could have contributed to global cooling by blocking sunlight and at the same time causing a constant bombardment of meteorites on the surface, so far the theory.

But you have to provide evidence, you have to plan, a plan to be able to demonstrate that this has some basis of being real, the evidence that the researchers provided is, on the one hand, the mechanics of how the planetary rings work because they do not last forever, the material goes falling little by little towards the planet and it also does so on the equator line or near the equator.

Saturn will run out of rings in about 100 or 200 million years, the same thing could happen with the Earth, the material that would be in the case of the Earth of this asteroid that broke would be from rubble, to blocks of several meters to possible asteroids hundreds of meters in diameter, all that material fell little by little over several million years and the proof they provide is that when studying the impacts of asteroids on Earth they discovered a very specific period, known as the Ordovician between 550 million years ago. years.

Where on the one hand there was a global glaciation and during that period there was a global glaciation, the sea level also fell because the water was trapped in large masses of ice, but also what these Australian researchers have now found out is that it occurred a spectacular increase in the rate of impact of meteorites on Earth and, according to these researchers, they have found that the sedimentary layers of that period contain extraordinary quantities of meteorite remains.

But this does not justify enough to explain the existence of that giant asteroid and the ring because all that meteorite shower, for example, could have been the remains of some colossal collision between two giant asteroids or a small planet whose fragments were scattered throughout the solar system and ended up arriving in waves to Earth, here comes the key proof, it turns out that scientists mapped the positions of 21 asteroid impact craters from that period, the Ordovician, which revealed that all the impacts occurred within 30 degrees of the equator of the earth.

The Rings are falling apart because the pieces are falling to the planet and they do so around the Equator. Since 70% of the Earth's continental crust is located outside that region, the researchers calculated that the probability of this happening is To say that all the impacts they had studied from that time were right in that area near the Equator was practically impossible.

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