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Life from self-replicating programs.

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3 months agoSteemit3 min read

Life from self-replicating programs.

Life finds a way, and apparently so does a bunch of small sequences of simple code, and in an intriguing experiment Google researchers observed the emergence of self-replicating digital life forms from random data.

By simulating what would happen if we let that data evolve over millions of generations, their findings published in a yet-to-be peer-reviewed study could reflect or at least shed light on the emergence of real biological life.

Developing self-replicating programs from random starting points is a great, this is definitely a big step towards understanding potential routes for the origin of life, in an environment so different from standard biology concluded in the experiment a way self-replicating artificial life emerged from a “primordial digital soup of random data”, without rules or explicit objectives, the data managed to form self-replicating programs.

Researchers believe that more sophisticated versions of the experiment could generate even more advanced digital organisms, potentially elucidating the mechanisms behind the emergence of biological life on Earth. Although the process of evolution is currently well theorized, we still know little about how inert molecules combined. to form life.

One of the most accepted theories is that life on Earth probably began in a primordial soup of water and organic compounds that over billions of years generated the first organisms, however, how exactly chaos gave rise to Life remains an unexplained question.

In the simulation, the researchers and their team used a minimalist programming language allowing only two mathematical operations, add or subtract one. They modified the language to allow random data to interact, execute code, and overwrite themselves and their neighbors according to their own instructions, surprisingly. Self-replicating programs were formed, however, self-replication alone is not life.

Experts expect to see an increase in the complexity of organisms, practical limitations may be at play, it is believed that with enough computing power more complex programs would have emerged, with more robust hardware we could see something more realistic emerge, if this discovery is confirmed It would be a significant advance in understanding the origin of life and would open new possibilities for research in artificial intelligence and complex systems.

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