Andromeda launches stars at hypervelocity towards us

jorgebgt -

Andromeda launches stars at hypervelocity towards us

A team of scientists from Germany and the United Kingdom have discovered that the neighboring Andromeda galaxy is launching stars at hyperspeed, some of which are heading in our direction, into our Milky Way galaxy.

So that we have a reference, the sun moves around the Milky Way at about 200 km per second, taking about 230 million years to complete one revolution, this is what is called a galactic year, hyper-fast stars move at more than 1000 km per second, some of them reaching 2300 km per second.

These stars are the first effect of the colossal event that will lead to the merger of the two galaxies Andromeda and the Milky Way, something that will culminate in about 4,000 million years. These stars reach these enormous speeds because they are stars that either passed very close to a black hole or that are part of a pair or trio of stars and ended up being ejected at high speed.

And what will happen if they reach us, as some media outlets put it in a shocking way, first clarify that although it moves very fast, the distance between Andromeda and us is 2 and a half million light years, which means that these stars, even if they travel so fast it will still take several hundred million years to reach our galaxy, and getting it right with the solar system is extremely difficult, although it is true that some stars, both normal and hyper-fast ones, which also exist in our galaxy, do that can pass near the solar system and alter with their gravity the comets of the Oor cloud, which is the outermost cloud in the solar system.

The next star that will visit us will be Gliese 710, it is a star with just over half the mass of the sun, which is a very respectable size. It is currently about 62 light years away, but in 1,300,000 years. There are several studies that place it at between 0.65 and just one light year away.

It is supposed to be a star with a structure similar to ours with planets, although we have not yet detected asteroids and its cloud of comets, so at least its cloud of comets and the Star's own gravity may end up influencing the objects of the Oor cloud of our solar system surely launching some or many, it is difficult to determine towards the region in which the earth is located, but that event, as I already said, would occur within 1,300,000 years, presumably our descendants are already prepared In order to avoid a rain of Comets, we hope that they have not inherited our habit of leaving everything to the last minute.

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