Wk32 : The Diary Game and your Health

john247 -

Just a warm and lovely greetings to all my fellow steemians around the world regarding to the ones in this tremendous community known as #Healthy-Steem, How are you all doing today? I welcome you in this "Wk32 : The Diary Game and your Health" usually organized by @aaliarubab

Indeed health is very important in our daily life's so we have to take note of that as well as maintaining good and healthy living, so giving out and sharing each other views and perspectives concerning it will be great idea and support to it, that is the major reason I took part in this contest, so read with me as I share with you my diary on Health.

Your diet

Before mentioning my diet I will like us to know more about the meaning of the word diet.., Diet seen or define as anything we take as food to satisfy hunger or craving which can be inform of fruit, water, drinks and dishes, talking about diet I think that should be a good food, not any kind food or fruit we take that are considered diet because some of us eat spoilt and bad food which did not contribute to growth of our health instead it causes harm to our body.

So the food or diet I love eating is pounded yam and vegetable soup which is very important and healthy to my body in such a way that it provides the body with vitamin A, C, and K, potassium, phosphorus, the vegetables helps improves the quantity of blood in the body and as well boost our immune system, also it contributes to the growth and support of our muscular body etc.

The medicines or vitamins you take, if any

Medicine are normally meant for treatment and prevention of illness and diseases, it is also taken to reduce and subsides pain, Medicine and vitamins are very important mostly for the sick and unhealthy ones, so the medicine I take when sicks depends on the kind sickness e.g when am having headache I take Panadol, during body pain I take ibuprofen, during malaria I take Almatern soft gel etc.

The exercise you did

Exercise is very important to our body and health which means taking part in it is not a bad idea or decision but rather it for our own benefits and well being, so we have many types of exercises and sports we can engage ourselves such as.. playing football, jogging, skipping, running, weight lifting, planking, walking, push ups, riding bicycle etc but as for me I take part in some of the sports and exercise like playing football and volleyball, push ups, morning walking or jogging, which I know they contribute alot to my health and well being.

What you did to relax

When we talk of relax there are many ways to relax your body and mind which I will be sharing with you some of them mostly the ones I know about.

The pain or tiredness you felt, etc.

In closure, write one paragraph about what you’ve discovered about your day and your health, and if there is anything you need to change to live a healthy life.

I discovered that I normally get tired and weak every morning which I just came to realize that the cause is insufficient sleeping time invoke up myself in such a that the in was suppose to sleeping I will operating up till midday at times close to the next morning and the worst part is that I don't sleep I the afternoon because I go to work, since I realized this I stop sleeping late as well as having a good sleep.

I have come to the end point of this contest which I will like to invite my fellow steemians colleagues @pandora2010 @josepha @simonnwigwe @mbetobungluke to take part in this contest thanks