Putting my Pretty Armour back on :)

jaynie -

I sat sorting out jewellery this evening. I am not entirely sure what prompted it and prioritised it above getting dinner going, but it happened, lol. I started with my own and eventually worked my way through to some little boxes of my late moms. Yay for slow emotional progress, right?!

It was actually a very casual comment on one of my posts by @charter which got me thinking about the significance of jewellery over the last few days. He was the only person who “picked up” the symbolism of my photos in terms of relevance to what I was writing, and that meant a lot to me. It meant someone was actually paying attention to what I was expressing and this is a rarity.

I used to wear a lot of jewellery… like a LOT - definitely more than most. I had twelve ear piercings, had about two rings on every finger and sported about fifteen necklaces at any given time. This was not jewellery which was selected each morning to match my outfit… no, I am not one of those people. These were items which lived on my body - day and night.

But then… all of a sudden, many years back I just got rid of everything. It ALL came off. It has been about twenty odd years now and the only thing I have ever had on during these years was possibly one single silver necklace. Nothing in my ears, on my wrists, fingers or even toes.

Almost everything in my life holds significant symbolism to me, and jewellery was also one of those things. I cannot recall why I suddenly ditched it all, but no doubt it had something to do with dramatic change in my immediate sphere.

I am a little bit of a weirdo like that I guess… pretty much like my tattoos. I have a few tattoos - not that many, but considering they were done individually - to me, they add up to a lot. Many people stop me out in public to ask me about the symbols which I have down my spine and to be honest, I often have to look in the mirror to remember the order - but it started with one, and each one was added when something life changing happened to me - good or bad.

Personal time stamps I suppose. Reminders of what I have achieved and also, what I have overcome. I am BIG on symbolism and the energy it encompasses. The jewellery I used to wear as a teen, I suppose… was my version of strength for myself before I was able/allowed to get a tattoo… not that I didn’t have both, because I did… but for a very long time, I did not have the one!

Nothing happens for no reason, and for “whatever” reason I got scratching in those boxes. Ok, I am lying - it was not for “whatever” reason, but getting into the reason right now (or ever) publicly is not something I am sure I want to do… so I will attempt a summation. Here goes…

For the last 12+ years I have considered myself a part of something. Lately, I am not sure if that is still the case and I have been battling with the internal emotions which go alongside that. I suppose there has been a small part of me that came alive to protect itself and said “you come first”. And as ridiculous as it sounds, jwellery has always been an intrinsic part of my “armour”.

So, after having gone through many jewellery boxes and sorting it all out - I decided to put on a few pieces for the first time in a long time. A ring, a bracelet, three earrings and two additional silver necklaces to the one I had. I officially feel armoured ;)


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx

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