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Bell ringing from my friend Lennys. / Toque de campana de mi amiga Lennys.


3 months agoSteemit3 min read

Hello dear friends. Today I want to share with you my joy and that of my friend who rang the bell today. You already know that this means that all your treatment is complete.



Since last month we had agreed that we would see each other at the ringing of the bell and so he fulfilled it. I arrived early and they had not yet given him his last treatment, so I had to wait for him to finish it, which was around 11 in the morning. The moment was endless, we couldn't wait for the solution to be finished.


Meanwhile, I was sharing with her family a bus full of people who were brought to accompany her. There were her children, her brothers, her neighbors, and a multitude of people who wanted to accompany her in this important event.





It was a very emotional event, very joyful and the family union they have was evident. I thank God because my friend has now finished the ordeal of looking for the medicines and because everything went well in the exams.

All the staff who work in the chemotherapy room were thanked and a detail was given to each of them. I bring them breakfast and snacks, some bags with fruits and another with nuts.

I am glad that I was able to honor my friend by being present at her bell ringing.


Traduccion al Español:

Hola queridos amigos. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mi alegria y la de mi amiga quien toco campana hoy. Ya saben que eso significa que culmino todo su tratamiento.

Desde el mes pasado habiamos acordado que nos veriamos en el toque de campana y asi lo cumpli. Llegue temprano y todavia no le habian puesto su ultimo tratamiento, asi que tuve que esperar a que lo terminara que fue como a las 11 de la mañana. Fue interminable el momento, no veiamos la hora que la solucion se terminara.

Entretanto estuve compartiendo con su familia, un autobus lleno de gente que llevaron para acompañarla. Estuvo sus hijos, sus hermanos, sus vecinos, y un tropel de gente que quisieron acompañarla en este acto tan importante.

Fue un acto muy emotivo, de mucha alegria y se noto la union familiar que ellos tienen. Doy gracias a Dios porque mi amiga ya termino el suplicio de buscar las medicinas y porque en los examenes salio todo bien.

Se le agradecio a todo el personal que trabaja en la sala de quimioterapias y le entrego un detalle a cada uno de ellos. Les llevo desayuno y refrigerio, unas bolsitas con frutas y otra con frutos secos.

Me alegro haber podido cumplirle a mi amiga de estar presente en su toque de campana.


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