mammal 포유동물
harsh 가혹한
desolate and arid lands. 황량한
arid 매우 건조한
hump 혹
scarce 부족한
nostril 콧구멍
withstand 견디다
endanger 멸종 위기에 빠트리다
inescapable 피할 수 없는
pass on to 전하다
pay the price 대가를 치르다
distinctiveness 특수성
ethnic 민족의, 종족의
immersion 몰임, 몰두
threaten 위태롭게 하다
repository 보관소, 저장고
archive 기록보관소
to record their own linguistic knowledge
into repositories like web-based archives.
implement 시행하다, 시행하다
complement 보완하다
prfile a business executive
raise one's profile
The stain on the carpet won't come out.
subsequent 그 후의
ballroom 무도회장
Flower beds and lawn of your garden
We offer comprehensive maintenance service at competive rates.
Let's hear from
The audience is applauding the perfomers on stage
In flight meal availiability is subject to change.