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Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W3 | "Money or Peace?"


2 months agoSteemit3 min read

In the vedantic analysis as long as we are in duality, as long as we are experiencing two, as long as we are experiencing more than one myself and you, we will be subject to what Vedanta teaches called the pair of opposites and they come together. Heat and cold they come together they are two sides of one coin. Pleasure and pain we like to think of them as different things. I want pleasure and I don't want pain. But deep analysis reveals that these are two sides of same coin. We can never have only pleasure without pain they go together. Happiness and sorrow, good and bad, conflict and peace, these are relative peace of course. These are the parts of the way things are. As long as we are in duality we have to face these opposites.

Now true joy true peace we have to experience for that we have to go beyond the pairs of opposites. We have to enter into unity.

It's true peace is not mere absence of strife it's a opposite experience of the very nature of reality, the very nature of who we are.

The nature of soul is peace and bliss unchanging, we have not to get it, we already have it. Let us wash away the dross from our eyes and see it. When we touch this peace when we know this peace then we can no longer be shaken by adversities and the conflict in the life of duality then we can become peacemaker.

People want peace that is excitement, elation and ecstasy sound like happiness peace. When we seek excitement, when we seek elation when we seek ecstasy we get them for a while. They are always followed by their opposites.

We think we are somebody important. Don't you know who I am. How much money I have. How much name and fame I have. My great career all the honour I have.

So Upanishads put it beautifully we don't have to change what we are doing. We simply have to change the attitude with which we do it. We began to taste peace when we began to uncover the covering of selfishness and egoism that obscure our experience of peace.


He or she is a real doer of action who in the midst of intense activity feel the intense peace. So let us move onwards bring peace to our lives through right action. Touch the infinite source of peace and thus become real peacemakers in our own lives and our families, peacemakers in our communities and peacemakers in the world, the world desperately need peace.

According to Dalai Lama money can't bring inner peace, happiness. This money brings more frustration, more suspicion, more anxiety, more jealousy. So inner peace is the ultimate source of happiness, joyfulness.

Thanks to the team members of Hindwhale Community for giving me opportunity to make this post in the community in season 19, week 3 engagement challenge.

Before I conclude I would like to invite three fellow Steemians to participate in the contest. @crismenia @joymm @eveetim.

Thank you for reading my post.


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