The Flow of Life

ibesso -

In the stillness of a turbulent mind lies a simple truth, yet one difficult to embrace: everything flows, everything passes. Life presents us with challenges, sometimes like storms that uproot us, but the wise know that just as the rainbow follows the rain, so too does peace arise from confusion. It’s not about waiting passively for everything to resolve, but about staying calm, accepting change, and letting the river carry away what no longer serves us. When we remain still, present, with our feet firmly planted on the stone that sustains us, life rebalances itself, like a scale finding its perfect weight. There’s no need to force events; it’s enough to trust that every fall brings the possibility of a new ascent. And in that moment, when everything seems lost, we realize we’re still here, stronger than before, ready to rise again, with hearts full of peace. Wisdom is not the absence of emotions but the ability to see through them and be guided by the flow of life itself.
