Our king Birendra

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King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev was the 11th monarch of Nepal, reigning from 1972 until his tragic death in 2001. He was born on December 28, 1945, and ascended to the throne after the death of his father, King Mahendra. Birendra was educated in Nepal and abroad, including in the UK and India.

During his reign, King Birendra initiated several reforms aimed at modernizing Nepal, including the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in 1990, which ended the absolute rule of the monarchy and introduced multiparty democracy.

However, his reign was also marked by political instability and tensions between the monarchy and political parties. In 2001, a tragic event shocked the nation: King Birendra, along with several members of the royal family, was killed in the Narayanhiti Palace massacre, reportedly carried out by his own son, Crown Prince Dipendra, who then turned the gun on himself.

King Birendra's death brought significant changes to Nepal's political landscape, leading to the ascension of his brother, King Gyanendra, to the throne. The tragic events surrounding King Birendra's death remain a subject of speculation and controversy to this day.