Weed management in maize

hariomrkd -

Chemical Weed Control in Maize

Understanding Herbicides.

Herbicides can be applied at various stages:

  1. Pre-plant cleanup: Before Maize planting.
  2. Pre-emergence: After planting, before Maize emergence.
  3. Post-emergence: After Maize and weed emergence.

Herbicide Types and Applications.

Pre-plant Cleanup Herbicides (Foliar Active).

Pre-emergent herbicides (Soil Residual).

Post-emergent herbicides (Foliar Active).

Minimizing Herbicide Injury

  1. Uniform application at specified growth stages.
  2. Avoid unfavorable conditions (Cool, wet weather, etc.)
  3. Consider crop stress, soil quality and seed quality.
  4. Choose herbicides compatible with Maize hybrids and cultivars.
  5. Plan for next season's crop planting options.

Key Considerations: