SLC S21W4/ Juegos didácticos para un mejor aprendizaje

hamzayousafzai -

Hello everyone I hope you are all doing good . As teacher I alway try to make learning more engaging and fun for my students. one of the best ways to achieve this is through educational games which not only teach important skill but also help children enjoy the learning proces.

For this contest I designed an educational game to teach vocabulary teamwork and problem-solving to children . This activity combine creativity learning and fun to makes a lasting impact on the student. Let me share the details with you.

Step by Step Creative Process

Materials Used:

  1. Alphabet Cards: Each letter printed on separate cards.
  2. Cube Puzzle: A colorful puzzle (like a Rubik’s Cube).
  3. A Safe Play Area: To allow children to move around freely while Playing.

Game Setup:

  1. I prepared a complete set of alphabet cards and shuffled them.
  2. A cube puzzle was set aside for a later activity.
  3. I organized a bright and cheerful environment where student could collaborate and play.

The Educational Game in Action

Activity 1: Alphabet Word Formation

How to Play:

Examples of Words They Formed:

Activity 1 pictures



Learning Impact:

This activity helped the student with speling enhanced their vocabulary and encouraged Creativity as they came up with more word.

Activity 2: Missing Alphabet Challenge

How to Play:

my both student successfully completed SOFA by adding the letter F.

Learning Impact:
This activity strengthened their critical thinking and problem Solving skills while improving their focus and memory.

Activity 3: Position-Based Word Formation

How to Play:

Examples of Words They Formed:



Learning Impact:
This activity emphasized teamwork colaboration and communication while making the process highly interactive and enjoyable.

Activity 4: Cube Puzzle Challenge

How to Play:

Learning Impact:
This activity taught patience strategic thinking and the importance of perseverance. Even though some found it challenging they worked together to solve the puzle.

Purpose of the Educational Game

The purpose of this game was to:

Observations and Feedback

The students were completely engaged and excited throughout the game. Here what I observed:

Student Feedback:

This educational game was a wonderful experience for me and my students. It combined fun and learning in a way that encouraged creativity colaboration and skill development. I am thrilled to see how much they enjoyed and benefited from the activity.