How to get started in trading?

gustavomory2 -

How to get started in trading? really to start in this world you must be careful when entering, because many sell you futures investment markets, some people think that it is as simple as video games, there are even videos that relate them, those videos do not matter you must pay the least attention, investments in investment markets are careful, you must be serious, it is not a lottery or a bet, it is an activity of studying the markets to know their ups and downs in investment.

Gustavo Mory with

When you start in the world of trading you must know what you are investing in, not all markets are predictable, nor can they be trusted, you must also be a person aware of the elements that could affect the market, today many of the markets were affected by the war in Ukraine, even the cryptocurrency markets, but other markets remain stable, these are the stock markets of companies, especially digital companies such as facebook, google and others, many are betting on the increase of bitcoin , others still bet on the fall and disappearance of all cryptocurrencies, but for those skeptics. who even asserted that bitcoin would disappear, today after having fallen to 18 thousand dollars per bitcoin we have seen how in recent days it has remained at 24,900 dollars and the trend is towards recovery, I personally believe that bitcoin by the end of year will be again in the 30 thousand or more.

I have seen many videos of alleged traders who claim to have won large amounts, but today I have been able to discover that more than 70% of them are lies, and you will ask me how I know. Those who have really won within the US and most European countries, including the United Kingdom, have records of these new large capitals, in many cases it is not possible to obtain the names but it is possible to see the reports of the tax institutes in their annual reports, which are much less the amount of new capital, declared or under investigation within banking, and must remember that many cryptocurrency platforms today have become banks of crypto assets. Do not believe in everything they sell on youtube, unless they show their statistics and comparative investment methods.
