Making a Painting on Work Items | Too established as seen from the Results

grisaia-steem -

Hello Guys!!!

Back again with me @grisaia-steem, this time I will show my skills when making works on wood. Make a painting on a piece of wood and then I will chisel according to the painting I described. Where this is my assignment in a workshop in civil engineering, this assignment is useful for honing our skills as students to be creative in carving and sculpting. That's the purpose of this assignment. Let's see how that goal can validate my skills.

Before starting, it's good to know the tools we need as in the picture above. Maybe for friends there are still unfamiliar tools or the first time you see them. But believe me not all of the tools above I will use. Hehehe. Namun yang jelas saya akan menggunakan gergaji untuk mmeootong sebuah balok kayu ukuran 20 x 20 dengan panjang 60 cm.yeah just the cutting took place I didn't get a chance to document it.

Oh yes, the following photos are not only taken by me to post them on the steemit platform. but these photos will also be a documentation in my weekly report. Where the report will be collected as proof that I did not play around while doing practicum in the polytechnic workshop. So here I am just sharing my experience with you.

After cutting the wood to a predetermined size, I then did a ketam which serves to remove the wood structure that is still not smooth and which is still with cut marks. As in the picture above.

Of course, every work we do must be directly supervised by our supervisors who are around us. We have to report and give a report on every work that we do. either when doing the following, I must be ACC'd by the lecturer so that I can proceed to the process of drawing paintings on my workpiece.

After that, we will go straight to drawing the painting as in the working drawing in front of me.

To get a drawing that is like in the working drawings that have been given by the relevant lecturers, all I have to do is take measurements using measuring instruments as shown above.

Workpiece view from the back after painting

Working drawing view after painting seen from above

Display of work items seen from the front

After the painting is accredited as in the picture above, then we just do the formation of the painting by sawing our workpiece, as I am doing right now. Then how is the result of our workpiece after sawing?

Display of work items seen from the front

Display of work items seen from aside

Display of work items seen from the back

What do you think? Hehehe................
seems like I was too hasty in completing the task this time.