I Choose To Lose

giacamila777 -

I think the word lose scares all of us, no one would like to hear it feet it is automatically related with less, with pain, sadness and many problems. But is losing really bad? When this word can fit us like a glove, when it seems that losing is good? Am I crazy or is losing actually sometimes good?


But although it may seem incredible, losing can sometimes be beneficial, as may be the case of young people who have had to face challenges that in his mentor seemed to come from friends who threatened to end the friendship if those challenges were not met, but they would only lead them to attempt against their tranquility and welfare, a "I choose to lose" can even save a life.

That is why my beloved, sometimes it is better to choose the side that seems like a loser but that in a not too distant time will allow us to enjoy blessings and lead a life under the will of God.

We have always been taught how bad it is to lose, but it is time now that we begin to see this in another way, a proverb says that losing also wins, and this is a true wisdom, sometimes we believe that we may be losing, but that loss is just what we needed for everything to start to improve.

If you are a person with overweight problems, where you have seen your health seriously compromised, where your quality of life has decreased and a new diet program is necessary, the main thing you should do is to say: I choose to lose, to lose all that overweight and those bad habits that have caused this problem in your life.

Do not continue thinking that losing will always be bad because it is not true, there will always be something bad that we must decide to lose, to leave behind, and losing can also become a decision that we must make at some point in life. Choose to lose when the options do not exceed your expectations, when they propose you to do something wrong, when the options do not bring any happiness to your life.