Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W4 | Music for STEEM

fredquantum -


It's engagement participation time, let's make a song and share it on the blog today. I have been a lover of music and would be sharing a few things about music today, hopefully, you would stay with me till the end.

Edited with Canva

The Meaning of Music to Me

Music can be a form of vocal sounds with or without other musical instruments to create instrumental sounds aimed at expressing one's emotion at any point in time, it could be in moments of feelings (sad or happy). Enough of that definition, music means inspiration to me, my strength giver whenever I feel weak, and also a companion in my winning times.

Microphone Image that Depicts Music | Source

Music means the world to me, it has been utilized to support me during the ups and downs, and it has the power to keep me lit when I'm getting tired (maybe on a task, even when reading sometimes, I can perfectly cope with music). It also serves as one of the ways to remember how far I've come and celebrate my little successes. Music is an integral part of me and one of those things that complete my day.

How Often I Listen to Music

The question for me could have been what are the hours of the day you don't listen to music? Lol, yeah that's for me. In essence, I listen to music every time and as was highlighted earlier, Music is a companion in my everyday life. Most days, I start the day with music at the hours of the day, while performing the house chores, bathing, or cooking, my music is always rolling and I also flow with the singer on the list at any point, lol.

Music is everyday business for Me | Source

Let's talk about the most viewed channels on my cable Tv in a day, it's definitely the music channel followed by sports. Even when I was not looking at the screen while working on a few things, I still prefer having it on that channel while I groove softly to it. In essence, listening to music is a daily thing to me and all day through engagement for me, when I don't have special events to watch, it's music for me all day long.

The Genres of Music I Like and Dislike

The Genres I Like, hmm, they are numerous and on the list, I have; Gospel, Hip Hop, Pop, Afropop, Rap, Blues, Reggae, and so on. One of the few things that matter to me in music is the content, we have a lot of music that has remarkably great content regardless of the general public opinion about them, once I found satisfying content in any, I'm good to go.

Even though, I have other genres I like that were not included in the list above, as such consider the aforementioned those I extremely like. That said, I don't dislike any genre of music and as was highlighted earlier, the quality of the music is what matters to me. There is music written in languages I don't understand, if the translation of the lyrics reveals it's comprised of amazing content then I grove to it. I like all genres with quality content.

My Favorite Song and Why it was Chosen

It's a hard decision for me to come up with a favorite song on this, I would have loved to pick Calum Scott's "You are the Reason" and a few others but for some reasons, I would pick another one entirely. For the day, my favorite song is I'll Be Fine by Fireboy DML. Fireboy DML is a Nigerian Afropop star that has been making rounds across the continent and has a few solid features Internationally.

The song "I'll Be Fine" was one of the first set of songs by Fireboy DML and maybe the one that even brought him to the limelight some years ago, it was written with a combination of English language and Pidgin English, that's mostly the style of Afropop, I love the song.

Why "I'll Be Fine"

The young man has written a short story about himself in this song and it has great relations with a lot of youths out there. A young man fighting for survival through different means, he was told that he was talented in music but he was scared of the world out there, scared of failure and how is he going to make it out of numerous people out there (would people ever hear his music). But in the end, he summoned courage because mom's good life depends on his success.

He didn't know it would eventually make him but that song did (produced years ago) and Fireboy DML is now a very big name in the industry across the continent. It's quite inspirational and an encouraging piece that tells us anything is possible regardless of our fears.
Fireboy DML performing "I'll Be Fine" about 4 years ago, you should see the guy's picture now, the story has changed | YouTube Link

My Live Performance of "I'll Be Fine"

I have just made a try to produce a replication of the song, kindly take a look at it below:

All the pain of yesterday
I go forget am tomorrow
That is one thing that they don't know
It is hard to find a way
But I am just too proud to say so
I will always find a way home
I won't lie I ran away
From the pain and all the sorrow
And I couldn't bear to stay
But I gats grind for Mama's sake
And I got music for the pain
One day I'll find a way

They say I'm good I get talent
But I'm not ready for this challenge
Only me for this planet
And I'm scared I no go lie
What if I never get to blow
What if no one gets to know

But I'll be fine
I'll be fine
I will wait here till the rain goes
One day I will see the rainbow
I'll be fine I'll be fine
There's no need to worry for me
I'll be fine. Lyrics on Azlyrics.

I have performed the song (partially) live with a downloaded instrumental. At the end of the performance, I got an App, Voloco (it obviously cleaned up or dualize some of my words but it's a bit okay anyway) from the Google PlayStore to add some kind of studio environment to the performance.

My Opinion about Live Music

Live music has been one of the ways to enjoy songs organically when you have the artist right before you performing his songs that you have always loved listening to. That said, some indigenous musicians in my country perform their songs at events, bars, and so on, it's always an interesting one for their audience. In essence, live music is great and always refreshing.

Why makes me Like a Song? I have highlighted this earlier, the content which includes the Melody and the quality of the song's lyrics, it's quite enough for me to fall in love with a song regardless of the genre it belongs to.

My Concert Experience

The last concert I attended was during my days at the University when artists were invited to certain events, it has always been a wonderful experience. The one I remember very well (during my early days on campus) was performed in a 1,200 capacity hall, it was one of the reigning Nigerian Afropop stars back then and it was so crowded that everybody wants to witness the performance.

It was a very clumsy event and I can't imagine myself climbing the window that day just to have a good view of the performing artist, it only lasted for a few minutes before he left, it was an amazing and crazy moment that day, lol.


In conclusion, I'm glad to have been able to participate in this contest about music on Steem, I might have not been able to deliver an amazing live performance up there, lol, believe me, it's been a long time and I might just get back on track now. I seize this opportunity to invite @carlaisl, @sahmie, and @franyeligonzalez to take part in the contest. Thanks for reading through.