Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W5 - If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?

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We all have dream countries, places we are so much attracted to based on customs, economy, lifestyle and so on. Sometimes, we have the feeling of migrating to these countries or embarking on a vacation to satisfy our feelings about them.

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Top Three Countries on my List

I didn't have many countries on the list of those I want to migrate to, and as such there are not many contemplations when picking my top 3 in the article. The three countries I would be willing to migrate to are the United States of America, Germany, and El Salvador.

My selection is based on a few things like academics, career path, leveraging the availability of advanced technology, economy and so on. At this stage, let's take a step deeper into the context.

United State of America

Almost every kid on the street has that American dream, right from a tender age or a feeling they developed after reading and watching a lot about the United States. The search engine rates the USA as the top country on the list of best countries in the world.

Who wouldn't love to migrate to the USA? A powerful nation, well, only a few who have enjoyed travelling to different parts of the world and have found pleasure in other places than USA.

Newyork city | Pixabay

My obsession to migrate to the USA started shortly before my tertiary education and the main purpose was to have my Masters degree and maybe a Ph.D. in a US university. That feeling intensified when one of my lecturers who was once a lecturer in the US narrated some advanced practices of Agricultural engineering.

In terms of education, career, good economy, better governance, human rights... I perceived the US to be the best place for me when it comes to migrating from my country of origin. We can take a moment and breath the American Oxygen, Rihanna dubbed one piece like that.


In Nigeria, we often dubbed hardworking people or a perfectly working engine a German machine, that's because Germany is well known for being solid in Automobiles. At 10, I once talked about becoming an automobile engineer and growing up I couldn't think of a better place to practice that than Germany, even though I didn't end up an automobile engineer in my first degree.

Neuschwanstein, Germany | Pixabay

Germany has the best economy in Europe, has a lot of ancient architecture that tells a story about arts & design and engineering in the country, diverse food, and unique dialects across its language. There are a lot of things that could have made Germany the top 1 on my list but... Let's save that.

Considering the manufacturing power of Germany, I find a great country for my migration because I will have the opportunity to be closer to machines and explore that side I have always wanted for a long time.

El Salvador

El Salvador is a developing country in Central America and the first time it caught my attention was when it came to limelight with its role in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency generally.

El Salvador flag | Pixabay

El Salvador became the first country to make Bitcoin a ledger tender and has constantly accumulated Bitcoin from time to time, giving the citizens the right to participate in the blockchain technology. Research shows that El Salvador has accumulated $400 million worth of Bitcoin at the time of writing this article.

Crypto enthusiasts know how disturbing it is when it becomes so hard to freely interact with cryptocurrency in one's native country, something of an identical nature is faced in Nigeria.

El Salvador is not on the same level as my first two choices but the country is gradually making the headlines and its role in cryptocurrency will contribute immensely to its growth. El Salvador will be a good place to migrate to and enjoy the privilege of using crypto freely.


In conclusion, my choice of countries for migration in this context revolves around education, career, economy, freedom and leveraging advanced technologies. All of these are priorities to me and put these countries on my top list of places I'd migrate to. It's a good contest and I would like to invite @irawandedy, @neelofar and @chilaw to participate.