Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 58: Electronic Addiction

edidiongeffiong -

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Hello friends how are you all doing today I hope all is well and you all are having a nice and wonderful day? Today I will be taking part in the accelerator contest which is titled "Electronic addiction"

Has Internet over usage affected your personal relationships or other important activities?

Just to be clear and truthful, my addiction to the internet has really grown and grown very rapidly and I must confess that my day is considered not to be complete if I do not have access to the internet.

Though the internet has not affected my relationship with the people around me and even some of my most important activities.

Because I have been able to ration my time well which is to say that I have a set time for the internet and a set time for other important activities.

How long do you use your electronic devices in a day and how long do you stay away from electronics?

Though normally now I spend most of my time drawing, but generally my overall electronic device usage time may even take half a day.

And when I stay away from this electronic device it may be as a result of maybe my phone is off or has some fault but outside that I'm always with my phone.

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What are the side effects of electronic addictions? Explain.

Some of the various effects of being addicted to electronic devices are;

This are the main two effects of being addicted to electronic devices

Eats up our time

Yes when a person is too addicted to electronic device it takes 80% of the persons time on a daily basis as majority of his or her time will be on phone doing nothing

Makes us a loner

Now this is very common for example you will observe that if you have batteries on your phone or if there's light you can even stay indoors pressing your phone from morning till night without even coming outside to meet people.

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In what ways can we prevent electronic addictions? (Explain 5 ways)

Some of the various ways we can prevent electronic addictions are;

This will be where I'm going to call it a day and I hope you all enjoyed reading my post, and I will like to invite