SLC S22 Week 1 - Herbs for children

drhira -

Hello friends I am here to take party in another interesting challenge that is really important and informative specially for mothers because we have facing many problems for our children and natural remedy is the best one because it has less side effects SLC S22 Week 1 - Herbs for children.

**Teething Remedy: Create a teething pain remedy. Describe the preparation and application method.(3)

Tooth pain is very common in children and it's really unbearable and most of the time it start it in the midnight and you couldn't approach any doctor special in village are the natural remedy is the best one because these have easily available in homes and we can make herbal remedy from it and it has a quick effects to in our childhood.

We have tried it and still when we have issue of toothache pain I used it to reduce pain for the time being till the time I can relieve from it.

Clove is mostly used in Pakistan because its easy available at every home and will reduced pain in few minutes but because I have to prepare it for children so I have made it is it apply for this purpose I have use following things.

As clove has antibiotics and antiinflammatory properties reduced pain.
One clove
1/2tsp coconut oil

Two things one clove and half tsp of coconut oil just to mix the clove. I grind the clove well and make its grounded then I mix this clove mixture in the coconut oil the paste was ready and I have applied it on my daughter teeth. She was frightened what I am doing but I know the children use it comfortablely as it's taste is not so bad due to mixing of coconut oil.

Detail in video

Research Assignment: Research three herbs safe for children and explain their health benefits.

Here are few common herbs which are used for children.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Health Benefits:

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Health Benefits

Garlic (Allium sativum)

Herbal Remedy for Bedwetting: Make herbal remedy to cure the bedwetting probelm in kids. Write the recipe, preparation steps, and observations.

Bed wetting is common in little children as the bladder is not fully developed hence it can be cured with natural remedy.

I am using cinnamon to cure it as my grandmother used it to treat so it was found effective. It plays important role in boosting immune system and wide range properties of antibiotics. Moreover it's useful to treat cold coughing etc.

I take a little piece of cinnamon and ground it well. I sprinkle over the homemade halwa and my daughter eat it well due to good taste.

Detail in video

It's all about my today's post.

I would like to invite my friends @m-fdo, @jannat12 and @mdkamran99 to take part in the challenge.