SEC | S20W2: How to cultivate a paddy"

drhira -

Hello friends and family how are you doing I am good, today I am here to participate in another exciting challenge that is really important to be discuss as the paddy field are the main field in Punjab and we loved it.

1: What is the method of rice seedbed preparation and what steps are taken in preparing the soil for rice cultivation.

Our peddy crop Masha Allah grow well

Rice is main crop in central punjab as its fertile land and don't have irrigation issues therefore rice are being cultivated and famous in area due to its aroma and taste.

View of our peddy fields

Although peddy fields required more budget and time to get very high yeild. I will discuss the steps which are needed to rice bed preparation.

Step 1: How to prepare land

Pulverization or grinding of the soil

Hence certain weeds herbs are sometimes present in the soil which become hinders to growth of nursey, there rotavator is being used in hard soil to broken larger piece's of soil into fine and kills the herbs or weeds.


*Finally the soil smoothness is finished sometimes traditional farmers used wooden rake for the smoothness of soil at small scale.

Water supply

Here is step for water application for seedbed and also to get muddy soil as it allowed water for soil soaking and made it softer.

Firming for seedbed

Hence its ensure the soil should firm and eveness is needed. Furthmore natural fertilizer are additional which obviously increase the nursery growth and disease management practice is also effective if there is any herbicide or weed growth at early stage.

2:What is the importance of planting rice seeds at the right time?

As its clear to understand crop should be cultivated at right time for getting maximum yields.

Why its crucial?

Hence seeds required optimal temperature for germination and further growth because seeds need certain amount of temperature and water contents in order to proliferate well if we delay it definitely few seeds will be germinate while other will be dead.


So, it can be summarized as follow.

3: How is regular irrigation and fertilizer applied after sowing rice seeds?

Aa the rice crops required higher amount of water bases on soil types therefore regular irrigation is important.

When should irrigate first

The farmer should know that rice seeds required the level of water would be around 5 to 10 cm and the initial irrigation is done within 24 hours of cultivations.

What is right time for Fertilizer apply:

The used of fertilizer based on the soil test, the used of nitrogen and phosphorus is required in order to improve the rice.

My brother told me we used natural fertilizer only during seed germination and if still they felt fertilizer is needed used only Urea fertilizer to grow the nursery very well.

This required about 40 to 45 days and peddy nursery is ready to shift in the fields for the further growth.

still its based on soil types and pH of the soil which would is crucial for proper seed germination.

4: What are the major pests and diseases of rice crops, and how can they be controlled?

I will discuss few pears and diseases which are common in rice crops as I have discuss with my brother who is working on peddy fields.

The Pests which are common in rice fields

In Pakistan most common pests are


Few diseases may also destroyed the rice crops few are as follow.

How to do management

For control pest following measures can be adopted to overcome the adverse effects.

How to do diseases management.

5: What are the next steps after harvesting the paddy and what are the steps to be taken to preserve the paddy?

After the harvesting the farmer takes following steps to preserve the paddy crops.


*In order to take out the rice its done by removing the chaff and the straw, further cleaning is done to remove any debris from the rice.

How to preserve the paddy crop

Its all about my today's post I would like to invite my friends @jannat12, @mdkamran and @m-fdo to take part in the challenge.